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Regional Law No. 89-KZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership and tenancy of land, and determines terms and conditions for allocation of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation of thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production, planting of protection belts, scientific research and educational purpose related to agriculture.

Regional Law No. 393-ZS amending Regional Law No. 19-zs “On regulation of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

Article 8 (5) shall be amended to add the following wording: “The right to once-only allotment free of charge in ownership of land plots for gardening, horticulture or peri-urban agriculture shall be granted to citizens having already in actual use the aforesaid plots of land. The aforesaid plots of land pertain to low-yielding and disturbed land”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 19-zs “On regulation of land relations”. (2015-02-25)

Regional Law No. 3215-KZ amending Regional Law No. 532-KZ “On regulation of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Supreme regional state executive body in the sphere of land relations shall be responsible for listing of precious particularly productive agricultural land areas, including agricultural land of experimental and production units of scientific research organizations and experimental farms of educational institutions, the use of which for other purposes shall be prohibited”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 532-KZ “On regulation of land relations”. (2009-07-23)

Ley Nº 4/2015 - Ley de mejora de la estructura territorial agraria de Galicia.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer los mecanismos y recursos para la mejora de la estructura territorial de las explotaciones agrarias de Galicia, con el fin de: a) mejorar las condiciones estructurales, técnicas y económicas de las explotaciones agrarias en Galicia, de acuerdo con criterios de ordenación adecuada y sostenible de las mismas y de sus cultivos y aprovechamientos, cualesquiera que sean estos, bajo la perspectiva de su utilidad económica y social, con el fin de fijar la población en el medio rural en orden a hacer rentable la actividad productiva; b) establecer, para l

Ley Nº 94 - Para declarar reserva agrícola la finca La Hermosura de alto valor agrícola, ubicada en el barrio Quebrada Arenas del Municipio de Las Piedras.

Puerto Rico

Esta Ley declara reserva agrícola la finca La Hermosura, ubicada en el barrio Quebrada Arenas del Municipio de Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. Asimismo dispone que la Junta de Planificación, en coordinación con el Departamento de Agricultura, identificará todas las fincas con potencial agropecuario en el pueblo de Las Piedras y áreas adyacentes, para que luego del trámite de rigor se declaren y formen parte de la Reserva Agrícola de Las Piedras bajo una Zonificación Especial.

Land Use Planning and Building Law.

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Law is to use the soil in a rational and efficient way, to conserve natural living conditions, as well as the beauty of the landscape. It regulates the requirements for buildings and plants with a view to ensure the proper use of land, as well as the beauty, safety and hygiene, of the environment including the protection of nature and cultural heritage. The interests of the population and of the local economy shall be taken in due consideration.

Loi sur les constructions et les installations diverses (LCI).

Western Europe

La présente loi concerne les constructions et les installations diverses. Notamment, l’article 1er établit que sur tout le territoire du canton nul ne peut être fait sans y avoir été autorisé, comme par exemple modifier la configuration d’un terrain, ou. élever en tout ou partie une construction ou une installation, notamment un bâtiment locatif, industriel ou agricole.

Act No. XVII of 2007 on certain issues of procedures in relation to support for agricultural, rural development and fisheries and to other measures.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down the principles and the framework of institutions, information systems and proceedings in connection to national implementation of agricultural, rural development and fishery subsidies to be granted from European (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and European Fisheries Fund) and from national financial resources.

Loi d'application de la loi fédérale sur le bail à ferme agricole.

Western Europe

La présente loi met en exécution la loi fédérale du 4 octobre 1985 sur le bail à ferme agricole. L’article 1 établit que la loi fédérale s'applique au bail à ferme agricole portant sur: a) les immeubles affectés à l'agriculture; b) les entreprises agricoles; c) les entreprises accessoires non agricoles mais formant une unité économique avec une entreprise agricole; et les immeubles de peu d'étendue Ne sont pas soumis à la loi fédérale: a) les vignes de moins de 15 ares; b) d'autres immeubles agricoles non bâtis de moins de 25 ares.

Act No. II of 1993 on land redistribution and land assignment commissions.

Eastern Europe

These rules form part of the privatization programme of State-owned lands and aim to restore (at least partially) landownership as it was before nationalization. Rules regarding land redistribution commissions (in Article 4(1) of Law No. IL of 1992, on certain questions pertaining to investment compensation coupons in arable landownership) are to be applied in accordance with the rules of this Law.

Indian Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. I-5).

Northern America

The present Act is a piece of basic legislation that governs in matters pertaining to Indian status, bands, and Indian reserves. It has been suggested that the Indian Act provides ways of understanding native identity, organizing a conceptual framework that has shaped contemporary native life in ways that are now so familiar as to almost seem “natural”. The Indian Act is administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), formerly the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND).

Act containing rules relative to transactions in agricultural land (Agricultural Land Transaction Act).

Western Europe

This Act provides for monitoring and control of the alienation of agricultural lands and nature areas for purposes of a balanced market development and to ensure the priority right of acquisition of agricultural lands and nature areas by the Office for the Administration of Agricultural Land. Agricultural land includes land used for silviculture. The Act defines rules relative to transactions affecting agricultural land and nature areas. A contract concerning the transfer of land requires approval of the Land Chamber.