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Farmland Law (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. ll of 2012).

South-Eastern Asia

This Farmland Law, consisting of XIII Chapters, establishes the requirements for benefitting from the Right for Farming as follows: A person who has the permission of right to use farmland shall have to apply for getting the Land Use Certificate to the Township Land Records Department Office passing it through the relevant Ward or Village Tract Farmland Management Body. With respect to Section 4 of this law, the Office of Township Land Records Department shall scrutinize and submit the cases of right to use farmland to the relevant Township Farmland Management Body.

Regional Act No. 31 laying down provisions for preventing soil sealing and for the rehabilitation of degradated soil.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act aims at preventing the loss of land caused by urbanization and infrastructure growth. The Act aims at ensuring that explotation of land is carried out in a sustainable manner, by preserving the environment and respecting agricultural activities. The Act sets out the principles to be followed by the regional and provincial authorities for mitigating the effects of soil sealing. These objectives are included in the objectives of Regional Act No. 12 of 2005 on town and country planning.

Amends: Regional Act No. 12 on town and country planning. (2005-03-11)

Loi n° 2013/011 du 16 décembre 2013 régissant les zones économiques au Cameroun.

Middle Africa

La présente loi régit les zones économiques en république du Cameroun. Spécifiquement, elle fixe le cadre général de la création, de l’aménagement et la gestion des zones économiques, ainsi que les modalités d’admission des entreprises désireuses de s’y installer.Une zone économique est un espace constitué d’une ou de plusieurs aires géographiques viabilisées, aménagées et dotées d’infrastructures, en vue de permettre aux entités qui y sont installées de produire des biens et des services dans les conditions optimales.

Loi n° 2013-001du 14 janvier 2013 portant code foncier et domanial en République du Bénin.

Western Africa

Le présent code comprend 543 articles répartis en 10 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (Titre I); De la propriété (Titre II); De la protection et de la reconnaissance administrative du droit de propriété (Titre III); Des atteintes au droit de propriété (Titre IV); Du domaine immobilier de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales (Titre V); Des dispositions relatives aux terres rurales et coutumières (Titre VI); De la preuve et du contentieux foncier (Titre VII); Du cadre institutionnel de gestion du domaine et du foncier (Titre VIII); Des infractions et des sanctions (Titre IX); Des

Law amending Law on Agriculture.

Czech Republic
Eastern Europe

This Law lays down some amendments and addenda to Law on Agriculture. In particular the present Law amends provisions concerning the role of the state in agriculture (art. 2). The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union in accordance with relevant directly applicable regulations of the European Union. Further the Law sets out details on the evidence of land use (art. 3a), on the way of updating the evidence of land (art. 3g), and on evidence of ecologically significant elements (art. 3p).

Act amending the Act on protection and usage of agricultural land and amending the Act on integrated environmental pollution and prevention control and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Act on protection and usage of agricultural land. In particular the present Act amends principles of the protection of agricultural land in the non-agricultural use originally specified in art. 12 of the amended Act. Agricultural land may be used for construction and other non-agricultural purposes only if necessary and justified.

Law No. 17.425 creating the State Council for Indigenous People and Traditional Communities (CPICT/PR).

South America

This Law, consisting of 32 articles, creates the State Council for Indigenous People and Traditional Communities (CPICT/PR) within the State of Paraná. It establishes competencies, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Council, entitled to: enable the participation in discussions, proposals, design and assistance in implementation and control of public policies related to the sustainable development of indigenous people and traditional communities who are self-defining or self-attribute themselves, according to Convention No. 169 of the International Organization of Labour.

Ley Nº 30.047 - Modifica la Ley Nº 29.151, Ley general del Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales.

South America

La presente Ley modifica la que crea el Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales, respecto a los requisitos exigidos a los funcionarios encargados de la gestión de bienes estatales y a los servicios que presta la Superintendencia Nacional de Bienes Estatales (SBN).

Enmienda: Ley Nº 29151 - Ley general del Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales. (2007-12-13)

Regional Law No. 20 amending Regional Law No. 46 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 12 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Contract of lease of agricultural land pertaining to regional or municipal property shall be concluded for the period from three to nine years, except for cases established by the Federal legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 46 “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2006-05-05)

Law No. 96 “On local government”.

Central Asia

This Law establishes and regulates the modalities of organization and functioning of local government. Local government shall exercise executive power at local level. Local government shall carry out the following tasks: (a) management of public property; (b) coordination and performance of the arrangements for prevention of emergencies and disasters, and mitigation of the consequences thereof; and (c) transfer of agricultural land to other land categories.

Repealed by: Law No. 101 “On local government”. (2014-02-18)