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Décret nº 2001-359 relatif à l'attribution d'une prime annuelle destinée à compenser les pertes de revenu découlant du boisement de surfaces agricoles.

Western Europe

Une prime annuelle par hectare, destinée à compenser les pertes de revenu découlant du boisement de surfaces agricoles, prévue à l'article 31, paragraphe 1, deuxième alinéa, deuxième tiret du règlement (CE) nº 1257/1999 du Conseil du 17 mai 1999, peut être attribuée dans les conditions fixées par le présent décret. - La prime de compensation de perte de revenu est attribuée pour les boisements réalisés sur des surfaces agricoles.

Ministerial Decree No. 182 validating the Regulation on the state supervision over land use and land protection.

Eastern Europe

The state supervision over land use and land protection shall have as its purpose to ensure the observance of land legislation by landowners and land tenants with a view of more efficient land use and land protection. The state supervision shall be carried out by the local self-government and land use planning organizations.

Decreto Nº 333/004 - Establece los criterios técnicos básicos a aplicar en el manejo y conservación de suelos y aguas.

South America

El presente Decreto establece los criterios básicos a aplicar en el manejo y la conservación de suelos y aguas, con el objeto de asegurar un uso más racional de lso recursos, aparejando al mismo tiempo mayores rendimientos productivos.La primera parte del Decreto está dedicada al uso y conservación de los suelos. Como norma básica, toda práctica agrícola deberá mantener o aumentar la productividad de los suelos, evitándose la erosión y degradación de las propiedades físicas, químicas o biológicas.

National Lands (Leases) (Transfer Fee) Order.

Central America

There shall be paid by every lessee of national land a transfer fee at specified rates on the value of the development or improvement done on the leasehold or of the amount of the consideration whichever is greater, in respect of every transfer of subletting of lease outside the compulsory registration areas declared as such under the Registered Land Act.

National Lands Rules.

Central America

Rules to implement provisions of the National Lands Act. Except in special cases approved by the Minister, national lands, other than town or village lots, will be disposed of only by way of grants. All mines of gold and silver and other metals and minerals, all ancient monuments, mounds or relics within the meaning of section 12 of the National Lands Act and all forest produce are strictly reserved and do not pass under the grant nor lease.

Pomona Village Land Reservation Regulations.

Central America

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Pomona Indian Reserve. So long as sufficient land is available any person who is cultivating land in the vicinity and who wishes to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve may do so and may build his house thereon, by the written permission of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys. The Commissioner of Lands and Surveys shall have power to refuse to permit any person to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve, and may, subject to the provisions of rule 10 of these Rules, withdraw any permission which may be given.

Ramonal-Zapote Reserve Regulations.

Central America

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Ramonal-Zapote Reserve. So long as sufficient land is available, any person who wishes to occupy not more than twenty acres of land in the Ramonal-Zapote Reserve, for the purpose of growing annual crops, may do so and may build a house thereon, subject to the conditions specified in the Schedule hereto. The conditions of occupation vary according to the cultivation or use of land, e.g. sugar-cane, pasturage, permanent crops other than sugar-cane.

Toledo Indian Reserve Regulations.

Central America

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Reserve. Any Indian who wishes to occupy land in the Reserve may do so and may build his house thereon, by the written permission of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, and on payment of an occupancy fee.

Decree No. 181/2004/ND-CP on the implementation of the Land Law.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decree prescribes the implementation of the Land Law of 2003. It deals with the following matters: land price-determining methods, price brackets for assorted land categories; land use levy and land rent collection; compensation, support, resettlement when the State recovers land for use of defence or security purposes, for national interests, public interests, economic development; land inspection; sanctioning of administrative violations.

Decree No. 53 of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector validating sanitary regulation.

Eastern Europe

This sanitary regulation sets hygienic requirements for soil of residential areas and agricultural land. The aforesaid requirements are established for the protection of soil against pollution. The purpose of sanitary regulation shall be to prevent possible negative impact of polluted soil upon human health. Soil conforming to the established hygienic requirements shall be classified as “clean”.

Decreto Nº 951 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley que adopta medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado y la atención, protección, consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la violencia, en lo relacionado con la vivienda y el subsidio de vivienda para la población desplazada.