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Decreto Nº 1.273 - Modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en lo relacionado con las Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social (Zidres).

August, 2016

El presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en relación con las Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social (Zidres). Para la identificación de las áreas potenciales para declarar una Zidres, la Unidad de Planificación de Tierras Rurales, Adecuación de Tierras y Usos Agropecuarios (UPRA) verificará el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley 1776 de 2016.

Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
July, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project

Reports & Research
July, 2016

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Throughout Tajikistan, land, and access to it, is paramount to continued resilience and improved livelihoods of rural citizens. Agricultural output, especially from small to medium sized farms, constitutes a disproportionately high percentage of Tajikistan’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and represents an opportunity for continued economic growth for both the farmers and the country.

Investing in Land for Water: The converging legal regimes

Reports & Research
July, 2016

With all the focus on land grabbing and food security, water issues tend to be an afterthought. Foreign investments tend to be concentrated around the main African river basins. Water resources are lifelines for locals, so understanding the legal framework governing investments is critical. Covers how abundant are Africa’s water resources?; what does the evidence show?; the legal framework governing water rights and farmland investments; domestic law and contracts; international investment, freshwater, environmental and human rights law; recommendations.

Law No. 156 amending some Laws.

July, 2016

Article 72 of Land Code shall be amended to add the following wording: “Agricultural land plots of dimensions within 5 ha shall be indivisible. Agricultural land plots of dimensions over 5 ha can be split in separate land plots for the dimensions exceeding 5 ha on condition that the dimension of new separated land plots shall not be less than 5 ha”. Article 15 of Law No. 4 on management of agricultural land shall be amended to add the following wording: “Owner of agricultural land share shall have the right to sell it without payment of state duty.

Resolution No. 376 of 2016 of Georgian Government on Recognition of Ownership of Land in Possession (Use) of Individuals and Private Entities and Form for its Certificate

July, 2016

The Resolution creates the authority of the agency granting the recognition of ownership of agricultural/non-agricultural land to persons, entities and other formations which are in a legitimate possession (use) of the land or arbitrarily occupy the land. The document further specifies the procedure to gain such recognition and adopts certificate forms proving the same. It consists of three annexes: Rules for recognizing ownership of land in possession (use) of individuals and private entities (Annex No. 1); and Certificates of recognition of ownership (Annex No. 2 and Annex. 3). Annex No.

Decreto Supremo Nº 013-2016-MINAGRI ─ Modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 032-2008-VIVIENDA, Reglamento del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1089, Régimen Temporal Extraordinario de Formalización y Titulación de Predios Rurales.

July, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo modifica el Reglamento del Régimen Temporal Extraordinario de Formalización y Titulación de Predios Rurales, para adaptarlo al proceso de descentralización en el contexto del cual corresponde asumir a los Gobiernos Regionales algunas funciones del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI), en materia de saneamiento físico legal y formalización y titulación de la propiedad agraria.

Regional Law No. 52-OZ amending Regional Law No. 53-OZ “On regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility”.

July, 2016

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: ““Owners and tenants, including leaseholders, of land plots must comply with the provisions and requirements in the sphere of ensuring agricultural land fertility”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 53-OZ “On regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility”. (2005-06-01)

Guideline No.2 of 20 July 2016 on the technical criteria of pasture and meadow classification and the procedures of leasing them for livestock feeding.

July, 2016

This Guideline lays down the technical criteria used for the classification of pasture and meadows as well as the procedures to be followed for leasing pasture and meadow areas to individuals or private entities. The classification is used for the preparation of management plans, the update of the pasture cadaster, and the lease contracts with private users. The leasing is done in accordance with the management plans and the rules of protecting pasture ecosystems and the sustainable development of pasture resources.

Resolución Nº 172-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones.

July, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones, que tiene por objeto establecer criterios, métodos y procedimientos técnicos normativos para la tasación de bienes inmuebles, muebles e intangibles. El Reglamento es de alcance nacional y su aplicación es obligatoria para la elaboración de tasaciones comerciales y reglamentarias que soliciten las Entidades y Empresas Estatales de derecho público o de derecho privado.

Implementa: Ley Nº 30156 - Ley de organización y funciones del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS). (2014-01-18)

Law No. 119 amending Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”.

July, 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of irrigated public land stock to category of land under perennial fruit growing species shall be prohibited”.

Amends: Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”. (2011-06-23)