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Agricultural Land Reform Code (Republic Act No. 3844).

South-Eastern Asia

This Code was enacted to institute land reforms in the Philippines and aimed at establishing owner-cultivatorship and the family-size farm as the basis of Philippine agriculture; achieving a dignified existence for the small farmers free from pernicious industrial restraints and practices; and making small farmers more independent, self-reliant and responsible citizens.The Code provides for: an agricultural leasehold system to replace all existing share tenancy systems in agriculture; a declaration of rights for agricultural labour; the establishment of the Land Authority for the acquisitio

Law No. 7699 on the compensation in value or in kinds to ex-owners of agricultural lands, pastures, meadows, forest land and forests.

Southern Europe

This Law makes provisions for the financial compensation, or compensation in kind, to persons who had been owners of agricultural lands, pastures, meadows, forests and forest lands, according to definitions in article 1 of this Law and to the persons that are recognized as their legal heirs. The right to compensation in value or in kind with agricultural lands, pastures, meadows, forests and forest land is recognized to ex-owners or their heirs, whose property is registered, or in their absence, when ownership is certified by a decision of the court of the proper district (art. 4).

Acuerdo Nº 10 - Adopta el esquema para la Estrategia de Articulación Nación-Territorio.

South America

El presente Acuerdo define y adopta el esquema para la Estrategia de Articulación Nación-Territorio, con el objeto de generar los mecanismos que identifiquen y reconozcan las competencias y capacidades de las entidades en los distintos niveles, y fortalezcan las instituciones para la apropiación de la política pública de prevención y atención integral de la población desplazada en el ámbito territorial.

Implementa: Decreto Nº 250 - Plan Nacional para la Atención Integral a la Población Desplazada por la Violencia. (2005-02-07)

Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo.

Central America

Por la presente Ley se establecen las normas y principios básicos de las funciones catastrales y la valuación de los predios. La Dirección General del Catastro es la dependencia del Ejecutivo del Estado que tiene por objeto la formación y conservación del catastro estatal, mediante los sistemas técnicos y administrativos que se establezcan. La Ley clasifica los predios en urbanos, sub-urbanos y rústicos.

Implementado por: Reglamento de la Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo. (2008-07-22)

Food Security Policy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Food Security Policy is a national instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, whose long-term goal is to significantly improve food security of the population. The goal implies increasing agricultural productivity as well as diversity and sustainable agricultural growth and development.The policy aims to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.

Decreto Nº 782/81 - Ley de reforma agraria.

Central America

La presente Ley de reforma Agraria garantiza la propiedad de la tierra a todos aquellos que la trabajan productiva y eficientemente (Artículo 1º). Se declaran afecta a la Reforma Agraria: a) Las propiedades ociosas o deficientemente explotadas en manos de personas naturales o jurídicas que sean propietarios de más de 500 manzanas en la Zona A, y más de 1.000 manzanas en la Zona B; b) Las tierras que a la fecha de emisión de la presente Ley estén dadas en arriendo o cedidas bajo cualquier otra modalidad, cuyos propietarios posean más de 500 manzanas en la Zona A.

Ley Nº 209 - Ley de estabilidad de la propiedad.

Central America

La presente Ley de estabilidad de la propiedad, tiene por objeto el logro de la estabilidad de la titulación para los beneficiarios de la Reforma Agraria y Reforma Urbana. Dispone que las solvencias de Ordenamiento Territorial y las resoluciones denegatorias dictadas por la Oficina de Ordenamiento Territorial (OOT) que se encuentren firmes, tendrán carácter de documento público con el mismo valor legal que establece el Código de Procedimiento Civil.

Revocado por: Ley Nº 278 - Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria. (1997-12-12)

Act amending and supplementing the Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands.

Eastern Europe

The Act amends 10 points of the Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands. In particular, the Act amends provisions concerning rental of land for agricultural purposes through undertakings (art. 10, 12 of the amended Act).

Amends: Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands. (2003-10-24)

Land Code of the Republic of Armenia, 1991.

Western Asia

The Code regulates the land relations on the territory of Armenia and intends to provide effective land use and maintenance, environmental protection and improvement, creation of conditions for equal development of all economic forms based on a variety of property, preservation of rights of citizens, enterprises and organizations, and at legal reinforcement of the rule of law in the sphere of land relations (Preamble). The Code sets out the redistribution of the land stocks by allotting land as property, for permanent use and for temporary use (art.5-7).

Act amending the Nature-based Activities Act (No. 1296 of 1990).

Northern Europe

The amendments of the principal Act concern, inter alia, the acquisition of lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in the Act on Agricultural Production Units (188/77), the Reindeer Breeding Act (161/90) and the Rural Activities Act (1295/90) (sects. 8 and 9), use of land for other purposes as indicated in those Acts (sect. 16), Disposition Plans for the land acquired (sect. 19), the determination of such Plans by District Agricultural Offices (sect. 22), land survey (sect. 23), price of the land (sect. 28), terms of loans (sect.