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Understanding the Agricultural Input Landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa : Recent Plot, Household, and Community-Level Evidence

October, 2014

Conventional wisdom holds that
Sub-Saharan African farmers use few modern inputs despite
the fact that most growth-inducing and poverty-reducing
agricultural growth in the region is expected to come
largely from expanded use of inputs that embody improved
technologies, particularly improved seed, fertilizers and
other agro-chemicals, machinery, and irrigation. Yet
following several years of high food prices, concerted

Landscape and Local Controls of Insect Biodiversity in Conservation Grasslands: Implications for the Conservation of Ecosystem Service Providers in Agricultural Environments

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2014

The conservation of biodiversity in intensively managed agricultural landscapes depends on the amount and spatial arrangement of cultivated and natural lands. Conservation incentives that create semi-natural grasslands may increase the biodiversity of beneficial insects and their associated ecosystem services, such as pollination and the regulation of insect pests, but the effectiveness of these incentives for insect conservation are poorly known, especially in North America.

Ecologies of Scale: Multifunctionality Connects Conservation and Agriculture across Fields, Farms, and Landscapes

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2014

Agroecology and landscape ecology are two land-use sciences based on ecological principles, but have historically focused on fine and broad spatial scales, respectively. As global demand for food strains current resources and threatens biodiversity conservation, concepts such as multifunctional landscapes and ecologically-analogous agroecosystems integrate ecological concepts across multiple spatial scales.

Innovation Platforms to Enhance Participation in Rainwater Management: Lessons from The Nile Basin Development Challenge with a Particular Focus on Political Economy and Equity Issues

Reports & Research
September, 2014

This paper draws lessons from two years of work with ‘innovation platforms’ that were established by the Nile Basin Development Challenge (NBDC) program in an attempt to strengthen landscape-level rainwater management in Ethiopia. The NDBC’s work included the use of an innovation fund to support pilot interventions.

Investing in Natural Capital for Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity : A Biodiversity Roadmap for the WBG

Reports & Research
August, 2014

The World Bank Group (WBG) has a long
experience in engaging in biodiversity with world-class
expertise in the field. It has been the single largest
funder of biodiversity investments since the late 1980s. The
WBG investments have largely been of two kinds: (1)
investments in biodiversity, aimed at the conservation and
sustainable use of species, habitats, and ecosystems that
sustain healthy ecosystems, while enhancing people's

Managing the Miombo Woodlands of Southern Africa : Policies, Incentives and Options for the Rural Poor, Volume 2. Technical Annexes

August, 2014

Miombo woodlands stretch across Southern
Africa in a belt from Angola and the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) in the west to Mozambique in the east. The
miombo region covers an area of around 2.4 million km. In
some areas, miombo has been highly degraded as a result of
human use (southern Malawi and parts of Zimbabwe), while in
others, it remains relatively intact (such as in parts of
northern Mozambique, and in isolated areas of Angola and the

Promoting Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth in Rwanda : Challenges and Opportunities

August, 2014

This report summarizes the findings of a
study undertaken by the World Bank at the request of the
Government of Rwanda. The study had three main objectives:
(i) Validate the argument that agriculture has potential to
become a leading engine of pro-poor growth in Rwanda and
identify potential sources of rapid and sustainable growth
within the agricultural sector; (ii) identify key actions
that will be needed to unlock these sources of agricultural

Sugar Policy and Reform

August, 2014

Reviewing cross-country experience with
sugar policies, and policy reform, the authors conclude that
long-standing government interventions - rooted in
historical trade arrangements, fear of shortages, and
conflicting interests between growers, and sugar mills -
often displace both the markets, and the institutions
required to produce efficient outcomes. Arrangements rooted
in colonial eras, still shape policies, and trade in the

Developing Rainfall-Based Index Insurance in Morocco

August, 2014

Cereal production accounts for about
seventy percent of all agricultural land in Morocco. Cereal
producer prices, influenced by the government, are higher
than world prices. Production is divided into six broad
agro-climatic zones. About half of cereal production is
concentrated in the favorable, and intermediate zones; the
rest occurs mostly in less favorable (arid and semi-arid)
zones, with average annual rainfall below 450 millimeters.

Sensitivity and uncertainty propagation in coupled models for assessing smallholder farmer food security in the Olifants River Basins, South Africa

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2014

Using family balance (i.e., combined net farm and non-farm incomes less family expenses), an output from an integrated model, which couples water resource, agronomic and socio-economic models, its sensitivity and uncertainty are evaluated for five smallholder farming groups (AeE) in the Olifants Basin. The crop management practiced included conventional rainfed, untied ridges, planting basins and supplemental irrigation.

The Global Integrated Pest Management Facility

July, 2014

At the request of the World Bank's
Executive Board, the Bank's Operations Evaluation
Department (OED) has been conducting an evaluation of the
Bank's involvement in global programs. The Phase 1
Report titled The World Bank's Approach to Global
Programs focused on the strategic and programmatic
management of the Bank's global portfolio of 70
programs in five Bank Networks (a cluster of closely related

Farmers' Innovations from Nepal

July, 2014

Though NLRF's members are focused on land rights issues, many of its members are innovating products like beans and seeds. Organic beans are used as vegetables and lentils. When dried and added some sugar, they become favorite snacks for people travelling in buses. There is also pink organic lentils grown in the field as rotating crop with rice. It is a remedy for some ailments. There is also hot plant, which gives something like electric current when you touch them. Poor people collect it from the forest and make soup out of it. It is known for its nutritional and medicinal value.