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Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia

December, 2021

The dry lowlands of Ethiopia are seasonally affected by long periods of low rainfall and, coinciding with rainfall in the Amhara highlands, flood waters which flow onto the lowlands resulting in damage to landscapes and settlements. In an attempt to convert water from storm generated floods into productive use, this study proposes a methodology using remote sensing data and geographical information system tools to identify potential sites where flood spreading weirs may be installed and farming systems developed which produce food and fodder for poor rural communities.

Ghana planning and implementation progress report for the CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems

December, 2021

This report captures key outputs, and follow-up actions since the Ghana Country Planning and Inception Meeting for the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed farming Systems Initiative was held in Accra, Ghana, on 12 July 2022. Various partners have been engaged in the Initiative in Ghana so far, including the National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES), Universities, and National governments/ agricultural administrations (See participants list in Annex).

Building resilient crop-livestock farming systems in Senegal

December, 2021

The Senegalese agricultural and livestock sector is the main economic activity representing approximately 17% of the
gross domestic product (GDP) and employing 70% of the population. Around 350,000 families nationwide carry out livestock breeding activities, representing nearly 30% of Senegalese farmers.
Limited agricultural production conditions, characterized by poor soils and weather conditions, limited access to
advisory services, and poor-quality agricultural inputs and insufficient infrastructure contribute to Senegal’s inability to

Data-driven, participatory characterization of farmer varieties discloses teff breeding potential under current and future climates

December, 2021

In smallholder farming systems, traditional farmer varieties of neglected and underutilized species (NUS) support the livelihoods of millions of growers and consumers. NUS combine cultural and agronomic value with local adaptation, and transdisciplinary methods are needed to fully evaluate their breeding potential. Here, we assembled and characterized the genetic diversity of a representative collection of 366 Ethiopian teff (Eragrostis tef) farmer varieties and breeding materials, describing their phylogenetic relations and local adaptation on the Ethiopian landscape.

Landscape positions dictating crop fertilizer responses in wheat-based farming systems of East African Highlands

December, 2021

Improving fertilizer use efficiency has remained a challenge, particularly for small-scale farming in undulating ‘abnormal’ landscapes of East Africa. Milne's 1930s concept on ‘Catena’ was considered as a breakthrough in understanding soil variability and its implication on productivity in East African highlands. However, there is limited information on how the ‘Catena’ features could be used for fine tuning fertilizer recommendations.

Identifying opportunity areas for cocoa agroforestry in Ghana to meet policy objectives

December, 2021

Ghana is one of the world’s leading cocoa producers. Between 1994 and 2018, the area under cocoa production has nearly ripled. This has increased income, but it has also imposed costs. As rainforests have been converted into land for cocoa farming, habitat for species has decreased and become increasingly fragmented in one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. Rainforest loss also has huge implications for the ability of land to capture carbon and mitigate climate change globally. Expansion of cocoa farming is expected to aggravate these issues further.

Spatial farming systems diversity and micronutrient intakes of rural children in Ethiopia

December, 2021

Own production contributes much of the food supply in smallholder production sys-tems in low- and middle-income countries like Ethiopia. Understanding the potentialas well as constraints of these production systems in terms of nutrient supplies isthus a critical step to design interventions to improve nutrient intakes. The objectivesof this study were (1) to assess the usual total intakes of vitamin A, iron and zincamong rural children and (2) to investigate whether the intakes these nutrients areassociated with differences in the dominant farming systems between spatial clus-ters.

Empowerment resources, decision-making and gender attitudes: which matter most to livestock keepers in the mixed and livestock-based systems in Ethiopia?

December, 2021

Women's empowerment constitutes an important aspect of the development agenda. Although it is highly contextual in nature, empowerment literature so far has focussed on identifying factors associated with empowerment, neglecting the importance of understanding which empowerment resources and agency dimensions are more important for whom and under what contexts. This is important, because we cannot talk of empowerment for those who are not in a disempowered condition or who do not value it.

Climate change and seed system interventions impact on food security and incomes in East Africa

December, 2021

Climate change is challenging agricultural productivity, especially in Africa. Adoption of improved or diverse seed varieties is a promising strategy to achieve increased yields, support food security and reduce poverty under climate change in East Africa. However, rigorous impact evaluations linking the contributions of improved seeds to the welfare of households have been

Banana mapping in heterogenous smallholder farming systems using high-resolution remote sensing imagery and machine learning models with implications for banana bunchy top disease surveillance

December, 2021

Banana (and plantain, Musa spp.), in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), is predominantly grown as a mixed crop by smallholder farmers in backyards and small farmlands, typically ranging from 0.2 ha to 3 ha. The crop is affected by several pests and diseases, including the invasive banana bunchy top virus (BBTV, genus Babuvirus), which is emerging as a major threat to banana production in SSA. The BBTV outbreak in West Africa was first recorded in the Benin Republic in 2010 and has spread to the adjoining territories of Nigeria and Togo.

Lessons from integrated seasonal forecast-crop modelling in Africa: a systematic review

December, 2021

Seasonal forecasts coupled with crop models can potentially enhance decision-making in smallholder farming in Africa. The study sought to inform future research through identifying and critiquing crop and climate models, and techniques for integrating seasonal forecast information and crop models. Peer-reviewed articles related to crop modelling and seasonal forecasting were sourced from Google Scholar, Web of Science, AGRIS, and JSTOR. Nineteen articles were selected from a search outcome of 530.