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Policies and strategies to address the vulnerability of pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa

December, 2005
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper makes a case for increased policy attention to pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The paper presents:estimates of the numbers of agro-/pastoral populations globallytheir livestock and their contribution to national economiesthe incidence of poverty among agro-/pastoral populations.The author examines the causes and dynamics of poverty among pastoral populations in Africa drawing on the sustainable livelihoods framework and focusing on vulnerability to shocks.

Will pastoral legislation disempower pastoralists in the Sahel?

December, 2005
Burkina Faso
Sub-Saharan Africa

Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, and Burkina Faso have all passed specific legislation in support of pastoralism. This paper reports that while some of these laws provide an improved framework for the management of rangelands and greater tenure security for pastoralists, they contain conceptual and practical problems which may ultimately further marginalise pastoral people.Crucially, the new legislation seeks to manage access to resources through complicated procedures controlled by various levels of government.

Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji.

National Policies
December, 2005

The Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The general principle of this Policy is to determine responsibilities of the State, landowners and land users in the fields of sustainable rural development, land management, protection of natural resources, having regard to biophysical, cultural, social and commercial factors.Technical, institutional and legal framework will be strengthened and assessment will be carried out on agricultural land, pastures and forests to ensure efficient land use.

Plan d'Action National pour l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2006.

National Policies
December, 2005

Face à l’avancée de la mer, l’érosion côtière, la perte des plages ; la désertification, la réduction des mangroves et autre zones de frayères, la perte des terres arables et autres pâturages ; la salinisation des eaux, la réduction ou l’insuffisance de la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’irrigation et la boisson et autres activités productrices, le Sénégal a élaboré son Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation (PANA) dont l’objectif est de proposer des options ou solutions d’adaptation face aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques dans les secteurs économique clés (les ressources en eau, l

Land Use and Land Tenure in Mongolia: A Brief History and Current Issues

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2005

This essay argues that an awareness of the historical relation- ships among land use, land tenure, and the political economy of Mongolia is essential to understanding current pastoral land use patterns and policies in Mongolia. Although pastoral land use patterns have altered over time in response to the changing political economy, mobility and flexibility remain hallmarks of sustainable grazing in this harsh and variable climate, as do the communal use and management of pasturelands.

Agricultural Land Use And Land Degradation In Adamawa State

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2005

This paper examines the relationships between cultivation, livestock grazing and land degradation in Adamawa State. The main objective was to identify areas with major symptoms of degradation, such as rills and gullies, and determine the main causal factor(s), whether cultivation or grazing. Thus, areas of varying intensity of cultivation and livestock grazing were delineated and detailed field investigations for evidence of degradation carried out.

Influence of vegetal cover and time of placing in acorns germination in a dehesa

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2005

The natural regeneration in the dehesa has been object of numerous studies, due to the ecologic and economic importance of such ecosystems. In this work is exposed a test of acorns germination of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp, in the North of Córdoba (Spain), under three environmental conditions corresponding to the most traditional land uses of the dehesa: grazing, cereal sowing and fallow, each one with a different vegetal cover. A fourth group of acorns was placed in a tree nursery under controlled conditions.

Application of the state-and-transition approach to conservation management of a grazed Mediterranean landscape in Greece

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2005

Traditionally, management of rangelands is based on the successional theory for vegetation developed by Clements. This approach, which came to be known as “the range succession model”, assumes a progressive change of vegetation towards the final (climax) stage and considers grazing as a primary driver of its dynamics. This model cannot be applied in Mediterranean rangelands, however, because they are largely modified plant communities and their final stage is usually a forest or dense woodland.