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Germplasm rescue and repatriation

December, 2019

Due to many factors such as increase access and availability of modern varieties, change in market preferences, low productivity of native landraces and climate change, crop landraces are threatened and are at the risk of losing from the fields. Still there are many rare and unique landraces conserved by farmers in different parts of the country. Native agricultural genetic resources that are being grown in red zone areas are all endangered. Unique and rare landraces as well as landraces grown in small areas by few farmers are also endangered.

Good practices for agrobiodiversity management

December, 2019

Native agricultural genetic resources have been generally under-valued, therefore, some initiatives have been taken through Global In-situ agrobiodiversity project joinly implemented by NARC, LI-BIRD and Bioversity International since 1997 in Nepal for conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity on-farm. Global in-situ project (1997-2006) has developed

Participatory seed exchange (PSE): A community based mechanism for promoting access to seeds

December, 2019

Participatory Seed Exchange (PSE) is a low cost, simple and effective community-based mechanism for improving farmers' access to locally adapted seeds and planting materials which promotes farmer led on-farm conservation and utilization of the agrobiodiversity by exchanging available Agricultural Plant Genetic Resource (APGR) within the community (Shrestha et al 2013, Gautam et al 2017, Sthapit et al 2019). In Nepal, PSE was first piloted by the Western Terai Landscape Complex Project (WTLCP) in 2008 (Shrestha et al 2013).

Geographical indication

December, 2019

Agricultural products are generally associated with their place of production and are influenced by specific local, geographical factors such as climate and soil. A geographical indication (GI) is a sign (or name) used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess unique qualities or a reputation associated with the product of the origin (WIPO 2004). The qualities, characteristics or reputation of the product should be essentially due to the place of origin.

Diversifying the sourcing and deploying methods to enhance the crop diversity

December, 2019

A Nepalese farmers of mountain and hill agro-ecosystem mostly grow landraces or traditional varieties of most of the crops. In some major crops like rice, wheat and maize, very old varieties are in cultivation. Insufficient research on minor crops and poor extension networks to disseminate new varieties
of major crops are the major reasons to narrow down the varietal options available to the farmers. Crop
genetic diversity can make farming systems more resilient, but a major constraint is that farmers lack

Canopy cover evolution, diurnal patterns and leaf area index relationships in a Mchare and Cavendish banana cultivar under different soil moisture regimes

December, 2019

The biggest abiotic threat to banana (Musa spp.) production is water deficit, but physiological indicators in plantations are lacking. Canopy Cover (CC) seems to be a relevant parameter, but so far not used in banana fields. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of optimal irrigation (FI) versus rainfed (RF) on CC and Leaf Area Indices (LAI) in two experiments with different cultivars (Mchare ‘Huti Green’ [HG, AA] and Cavendish ‘Grand Naine’[GN, AAA]) (n = 3 for HG, n = 4 for GN) until harvest of cycle 1 (C1), studying C1 and C2 plants.

On-farm agrobiodiversity measurement and conservation

December, 2019

Total agrobiodiversity of any area is necessary to plan the implementation of agricultural and environmental projects and activities. Diversity is most for advancing agriculture development, however, modern agriculture has accelerated the replacement of old age crop diversity. Agrobiodiversity index and measures are commonly used and estimated for crop and animal species, landraces and sites. These are useful for locating sites, crops and custodians of agrobiodiversity.

On the international flow of plant genetic resources: Forecasting the impacts of an evolving legal framework on CGIAR genebanks

December, 2019

The aim of this study is to investigate the ex-ante impact of the revision of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit Sharing (MLS) of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture on CGIAR Centers, and to identify measures to respond to possible negative impacts on CGIAR Centers as recipients and providers of germplasm and associated information under the multilateral system. A process to revise the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing was launched in 2013 and continued until November 2019.

Carbon storage potential of silvopastoral systems of Colombia

December, 2019

Nine Latin American countries plan to use silvopastoral practices—incorporating trees into grazing lands—to mitigate climate change. However, the cumulative potential of scaling up silvopastoral systems at national levels is not well quantified. Here, we combined previously published tree cover data based on 250 m resolution MODIS satellite remote sensing imagery for 2000–2017 with ecofloristic zone carbon stock estimates to calculate historical and potential future tree biomass carbon storage in Colombian grasslands.

Maize production under combined conservation agriculture and integrated soil fertility management in the sub-humid and semi-arid regions of Kenya

December, 2019

Crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is constrained by rainfall variability and declining soil fertility. This has over time led to a decrease in crop yield, among them also maize. This decrease is also experienced in the sub-humid and semi-arid locations of Kenya. Among the commonly used soil and water management practices in SSA are Conservation Agriculture (CA) and integrated soil fertility management (ISFM). Crop response to these management practices is influenced by the existence of soil fertility gradients which are common among smallholder farmers.