Agrarian Development Act, No. 46 of 2000.
This Act provides for the protection of the tenant cultivator's rights from any abuse or prevarication by the landowner.
This Act provides for the protection of the tenant cultivator's rights from any abuse or prevarication by the landowner.
This Act provides definitions and framework for the assessment and management of flood risks from watercourse and lakes with the aim to reducing risks in vulnerable areas.
This Act concern environmental assessment as a means to integrating environmental factors into planning and decision making processes in order to promote sustainable development. The Act contains provisions on the projects requiring environmental assessment (sect. 4), on the environmental assessment process (sect. 10), on decisions and appeals against decisions and on dispute settlement.
The Government decrees that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resource and its territorial branches is especially authorized environmental institution.
The Agricultural Policies, Programs and Targets for a Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) is a national sectoral policy document of Ethiopia. It is in force for the period 2005/6-2009/10.
Le PAN, contrairement aux autres programmes antérieurs de lutte contre la dégradation des terres, présente une tonalité originale découlant, d’une part, de son caractère d’instrument de mise en œuvre d’un accord international et, d’autre part, des principes directeurs qui sous-tendront le processus de sa mise en œuvre à savoir le partenariat, la participation effective de tous les acteurs et l’
This Act provides for the establishment of the Adelaide Park Lands Authority and for its internal composition.
The purpose of this Regulation is to protect and rationally utilize grasslands, develop modern animal husbandry, maintain ecological balance and promote the sustainable development of economy and society.
This Law provides for the conservation of wetlands and their flora and fauna, especially waterfowl, by combining far-sighted national policies with coordinated international action. Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen or water, whether natural or artificial, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt; waterfowl are birds ecologically dependent on wetlands.
Article 6.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “The following protected areas of local significance shall be set up on the regional territory: (a) tourist and recreational areas; and (b) protected natural complexes”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 39-OZ “On protected areas”. (2013-07-02)
El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley que tiene por objeto regular el uso y aprovechamiento sostenible y garantizar el acceso de la población a las zonas costeras marinas y lacustres, mediante los planes de desarrollo coordinados institucionalmente por la Comisión Nacional de Desarrollo de las Zonas Costeras (CDZC).
La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones que regirán el proceso general para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio, en concordancia con las realidades ecológicas y los principios, criterios, objetivos estratégicos del desarrollo sustentable, que incluyan la participación ciudadana y sirvan de base para la planificación del desarrollo endógeno, económico