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Parishes Water Supply Act.

LandLibrary Resource

The 63 sections of the Act are divided into a title provision and 3 Parts: Public Water Supply (I); Jamaica Parishes Water Supply Loans (II); Miscellaneous Provisions (III). Part I is subdivided into the following headings: Construction of Works; Acquisition etc.

Surveys Marks Act, 1902.

LandLibrary Resource

The Act (5 sections, 1 Schedule) sets out the official marks to be used by Government licensed or appointed surveyors in the conduct of official surveys. The use of the marks except in the conduct of an official survey is prohibited and liable to a penalty. Penalties for unauthorized defacement or destruction of survey marks, landmarks or beacons are also provided.

Land Act, 1923.

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

An Act to make provisions for various matters relating to land, including land registration, purchase of land and ownership of land, land bonds, land tenure, for powers of the Land Commission in respect of land, etc.

Act relative to municipal land survey authorities (1995:1393).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

This Act makes provision for authorization of the central Government to granted to municipalities to organize municipal land survey offices and for operations of such offices. Section 2 specifies requirements that municipalities and the land survey offices shall meet in order to qualify for authorization. Application for authorization shall be submitted to the Central Land Survey Agency.

Loi nº 2000-29 modifiant et complétant la loi nº 77-17 du 16 mars 1977 portant création de l'agence de la réforme agraire dans les périmètres publics irrigués.

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Africa

Cette loi modifie les articles 2 et 14 de la loi nº 77-17. Des nouvelles tâches sont ajoutées aux missions de l'agence foncière agricole et toute cession d'immeubles sis dans une zone d'intervention de l'agence est soumise à autorisation préalable du gouverneur de la région où se trouve l'immeuble.