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Act to amend the Rural Activities Management Act (No. 560 of 1995).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

The amendments introduced by the present Act concern the use of land and procedures for the formation of real property. Section 38 is amended so as to provide for formation of common forests and land use rights with respect to common forests, and in particular servitude. Such servitude shall be established in accordance with procedures outlined in section 43.

Act to amend the Act regulating property rights in relation with projects in watercourses (No. 567 of 1995).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

The principal Act provides for the procedures of the application for rights relative to constructions in watercourses or related to watercourses as foreseen in the Water Act (sect. 1). The amendments of the principal Act are made mainly as a consequence of the introduction of the Real Property Formation Act (554/95) which formulates, inter alia, rules relative to land survey and mapping.

Act to amend the Fisheries Act (No. 562 of 1995).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

The amendments of the present Act concern land survey procedures in accordance with the recently enacted Real Property Formation Act (554/95) for various kinds of water areas to which provisions of the Fisheries Act apply. Borders of fish protection areas shall be established by a certified engineer at the request of Fisheries Area Offices (sect. 45).

Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Decree-Law regulates the right of use of expropriated lands according to Agricultural Reform. It consists of 4 chapters establishing provisions for exploiting agricultural lands (including expropriated lands).

Implements: Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1988-09-29)
Implements: Act No. 46/90 amending Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1990-08-22)

Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Act concerns Agrarian Reform. It consists of 51 articles laying down general principles in order to manage this sector: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, lease, etc.

Act No. 68/93 concerning uncultivated lands.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Act provides for the use of public uncultivated lands. It consists of 42 articles specifying the requirements to be met in order to exploit these lands, establishing the conditions for land expropriation, concession, use, etc. It lays down duties, competencies and composition of national administration responsible for the management of these lands, fees to be paid, land lease, etc.

Act to amend the Reindeer Management Act (No. 1298 of 1990).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

Reindeer breeders may acquire or exchange lands that shall be used for the purposes indicated in Act 590/69 and in the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77). Amendments mainly concern rules on the purchase of land and terms and conditions of loans that can be used for purchase of land or electrification works.

Reindeer Management Act (No. 161 of 1990).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. The Act provides them with the possibility to acquire or to exchange lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in Act 590/69 and in the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77).

Délibération n° 127/CP du 26 septembre 1991 relative à l’administration des intérêts patrimoniaux et domaniaux du Territoire.

LandLibrary Resource
New Caledonia

Il est institué une Commission Consultative pour la gestion du domaine territorial qui doit être consultée sur :les opérations relatives aux acquisitions et échanges de terrains par le Territoire et les ventes, cessions et locations des terrains dépendant du domaine du Territoire.