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This Act regulates the use of agricultural land for purposes of protection of the soil and the landscape. Agricultural land is land used for cultivation or pasture, which is registered for tax purposes as an agricultural unit (sect. 1). The Act does not apply to agricultural land which is not…


Le présent décret modifie les dispositions de la section VIII (Dispositions diverses) du chapitre Ier du titre VI du livre Ier du Code rural, relatives aux délibérations des conseils municipaux portant sur l'aliénation de tout ou partie d'un ou plusieurs chemins ruraux appartenant à…


Section 7 of the Registration of Title Act, 1964, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution of the following section for subsection (1): "(1) There shall be- (a) an office (in this Act referred to as 'the central office') consisting of one or more than one constituent offices…


This Act consists of 127 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary and general (I); Land registry, registers, registering authorities and jurisdiction (II); Registration of ownership (IV); Devolution on death and descent on intestacy (IV); Miscellaneous provisions.The central office in Dublin,…


Ce décret modifie diverses dispositions du décret nº 89-571 relatif à l'Agence de développement rural et d'aménagement foncier créée par l'article 94 de la loi du 9 novembre 1988 portant dispositions statutaires et préparatoires à l'autodétermination de la Nouvelle-Calédonie…


Ce décret porte création, composition et modalités de fonctionnement du comité interministériel de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire, prévu à l'article 33 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 modifiée d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du…


The President decrees to make the following amendment to the Law on basic federal housing policy: 1) Part 3 of the Article 1 is supplemented with the following wording “housing facilities destined for displaced persons and those with the recognized refugee status”. 2) Item 3 of the Article 3 is…


The President, in connection with the promulgation of Urban Code decrees to make the following amendment to the Presidential Decree No.485 of 1997 by replacing the wording of the item 1 “ authorization for carrying out construction activity “ with the wording “authorization for construction”.…


The Government decrees to establish that State Committee on Land Policy is a Federal Executive Body entitled to carry out inter-departmental co-ordination of the activity in the sphere of land relations, as well as the functional regulation in this sphere, including keeping state land cadastre,…


This Act regulates interventions in matter of better exploitation of the soil, of the environment and of agri-sylvipastoral resources. For this purpose there shall be a rational selvicultural management, the improvement of biological balances and the prevention of hydrogeological disasters.…


La note (6) de bas de page de l'annexe de l'arrêté du 1er février 1996 susvisé est remplacée par: "(6) Variante 1 (pour les installations de stockage de déchets): a) La surveillance du site; b) Les interventions en cas d'accident ou de pollution; c) La remise en état du site…


The purpose of this Decree is to set up the structure of local branches of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and to define their sphere of competence at the local level. The Minister emphasises that some local branches of the Ministry are entitled to administer and…