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Displaying 1657 - 1668 of 1763

The object of this Regulation, consisting of 25 sections divided into five Parts and completed by six Schedules, is to remake, with minor changes, the provisions of the Real Property Regulation 2008 which was repealed on 1 September 2014 by section 10(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.…


This Regulation, consisting of 93 sections divided into twenty Parts and completed by one Schedule, regulates the activities within the Royal Botanic Gardens. The Regulation is divided as follows: Preliminary (1); The Entry into the Trust Lands (2); Reservation of parts of the Trust lands for…


This Act, consisting of 25 sections divided into five Parts and completed by three Schedules, constitutes the Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust and define its powers, authorities, duties and functions; to vest certain land and other property in that Trust. The Act is divided as follows:…


These Regulations, consisting of 16 sections divided into five Parts and completed by one Schedule, set out the conditions for applications for division or amalgamation of land and the requirements for the subsequent plans. The Regulations are divided as follows: Land division, including…


This Regulation provides for the implementation of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 by prescribing the fees applicable under section 9 of the Act.
Implements: Acquisition of Land Act 1967. (2016-05-25)
Repealed by: Acquisition of Land Regulation, 2014. (2017-05-26)


Notwithstanding any other law in force in the Territory, the terms and conditions of the pastoral lease or the fact that rental in respect of a pastoral lease may have been paid in pursuance of such terms and conditions in respect of the financial year before the Administrator's assent to…


This Act defines the liability of an occupier of a leased area or premises. Section 1 of this Act shall bind the Crown, but as regards the Crown's liability in tort shall not bind the Crown further than the Crown is made liable in tort by the Crown Proceedings Act 1947.


The Act (59 sections) is divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Object and duties (II); Administration (III); Conservation and rehabilitation of land (IV); Appeals (V); Miscellaneous (VI).The Act establishes the Soil Conservation Council, soil conservation districts and boards. The main…


This Act makes provision for the extinction of certain areas from pastoral leases and granting them as living areas for the benefits of Aboriginal who used to be resident in those areas or to other Aboriginals. For the purpose of solving disputes related to the implementation of the Act, the…


Le présent décret modifie les dispositions des articles 1 et 6 du décret n° 97-12 du 6 janvier 1997 portant application de l'article 38 de la loi n° 96-609 du 5 juillet 1996 portant dispositions diverses relatives à l'outre-mer, relatif à la commission de conciliation obligatoire en…


Le nouveau texte de l'article 4 du décret du 6 janvier 1997 qui porte réglementation des procédures à suivre par la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière, instituée par l'article 38 de la loi du 5 juillet 1996, en Polynésie française, est le suivant: "Le cas…


This Part of the Statute Law Revision Act 2011 amends the Succession, Probate and Administration Act 1976
Amends: Succession, Probate and Administration Act 1976 (Act No. 21 of 1976). (1976-10-29)