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Displaying 1669 - 1680 of 1763

This Act makes provision for the subdivision of land by a registered proprietor of a freehold estate or a leasehold estate in land that is subject to the Land Titles Registration Act 2008. The subdivision of land so as to provide for units shall be effected by approval under the Survey Act 2010…


These Regulations implement the Land Valuers Act 1994 by defining the qualifications required to be held by land valuers.
Implements: Land Valuers Act 1994. (2013-05-23)
Repeals: Land Valuers Regulations 1995. (1998-05-28)


These Regulations, consisting of ten sections, prescribe the steps that a regional council must take in undertaking an inquiry under section 19(2) of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to ascertain the identity or where abouts of the owner of a structure. The regulations…


This Notice, consisting of 5 sections, establishes that a transfer of a specified estate in land is exempt from the requirements of section 156B of the Act if: (a) the land is Maori land; or (b) the transfer is a transfer of property by the Crown under a Treaty settlement Act that expressly…


The objectives of these Regulations, made under the Sale of Land Act 1962, are to regulate the conduct of public auctions of land; to prescribe standard rules for the conduct of public auctions of land; to prescribe information statements that must be made available for inspection at public…


This Act provides for the establishment and management of the Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park. The park will also ensure the right of Aboriginals, who are traditionally the owner of certain lands, to occupy and use that land. For the administration of the park, the Act establishes the…


This Act, consisting of 86 sections divided into nine Parts and completed by two Schedules, makes provision for the acquisition of land by the Crown and by other authorities. The Act consists of 9 Parts divided into 86 sections: Preliminary (1); Acquisition of land by Crown for private sector…


This Act, consisting of 107 sections, divided into nine Parts and completed by one Schedule, aims to: (a) identify areas of Queensland that are of regional interest (including priority agricultural area, priority living area, strategic cropping area and strategic environmental area) because they…


This Regulation implements the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.The object of this Regulation is to remake, with some amendments, the provisions of the Contaminated Land Management Regulation 1998. The amendments made by this Regulation are as follows: (a) the fees in relation to…


Certain lands being at the time state forests are transferred to national park estate and Aboriginal ownership. The lands described in Schedule 3 that are within State forests are set apart as, or as part of, flora reserves under the Forestry Act 1916. Forest agreements may be made under Part 2…


These Regulations, consisting of 40 sections divided into four Parts and completed by two Schedules, provide for the division of land into lots and common property, and for the administration of the land by the owners of the lots. It indicates the requirements relating to plans, and the…


These Regulations implement the Land Tax Act 1936 by providing specifications on procedures for the notification of changes in ownership, exemption from land tax, record keeping and offences related to the Act.
Implements: Land Tax Act 1936. (2015-11-26)
Repealed by: Land Tax…