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Displaying 1717 - 1728 of 1763

This Regulation implements the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 by defining the principles to be applied in carrying out surveys (Part 2), setting the geodetic reference framework (Part 3) and providing for survey standards and survey guideline matters (Part 4).


Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the principal Act are repealed by this Act. The repeal of sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the principal Act shall not affect: (a) any declaration, order, or rule made, certificate authority or permit granted, registration effected or other thing done; or (b) any right…


An Act to provide for matters relating to land within urban areas or urban communities declared by Order of the Minister in accordance with sections 2 and 3. The leases on land situated within urban communities are transferable freely between natural persons and/or bodies corporate subject to…


The objectives of these Regulations are to provide standards for the quality of and information required for instruments to be lodged with the Registrar for registration for which forms have not been approved under section 121 of the Transfer of Land Act 1958; and to specify requirements for…


These Regulations implement the Surveyors Act 1978 by prescribing fees payable to the Board of Surveyors, allowances of the members of the Board and remuneration of the examiners under the Act.
Implements: Surveyors Act 1978. (1999-02-25)
Repealed by: Surveying Act 2004. (2014-09-23…


These Regulations, made under the Survey Act 1992, consisting of 27 sections divided into three Parts and completed by one Appendix, is composed as follows: Preliminary (I); Licences and registrations (II); and Survey instructions (III). The Appendix specifies divisional penalties and expiation…


These Regulations, consisting of 12 sections completed by two Schedules, implement the Valuation of Land Act 1971 by defining the annual value, establishing lands to be treated as forming part of the State Heritage and providing specifications on the carrying out of valuation operations.


This Chapter regulates the practice of real estate valuation, defines the powers and duties of real estate appraisers and provides for their licensing and certification.The Chapter provides stricter rules and standards for the assessment of value of real property in Guam so as to provide a basis…


This Regulation provides for the management and conservation of native vegetation in New South Wales. Native vegetation includes trees, understorey plants, groundcover and plants occurring in wetlands of indigenous vegetation, i.e. species of vegetation that existed before European settlement.…


This Act requires the Marianas Public Lands Authority to waive any conditions, limitations or regulations relating to the agricultural homesteading program in effect prior to 9 January 1978. Any person who can demonstrate continuous and actual occupancy or use of public land for agricultural…


An Act to provide for the introduction of animals and plants, for the establishment of fences to protect agricultural land ad for the management of stock routes. It consists of 247 sections and is divided into 12 Parts. Part 1 contains preliminary provisions, including definitions of terms under…

This Plan, made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, consists of the following Parts: Preliminary (1); Permitted or prohibited development (2); Exempt and complying development (3); Principal development standards(4); Miscellaneous provisions (5); Additional local provisions…