The present report gives the complete description of the preparation of a land use map and also the preparation of a national map of livestock intensity, needed as LUS input. The present method allows the preparation of a multi-country land use map in two weeks with the work of 13 experts, and…
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-II/14/ Report
Session: Sess.2
Le projet Kagera TAMP est financé par le Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (FEM), en partenariat avec les gouvernements, les programmes partenaires et les donateurs, au niveau des pays et de la région. L’ensemble du projet a été révisé et intégré dans le programme de travail du FEM, avec un…
Le thème central de ce numéro de Nature & Faune est : « Améliorer la parité hommes-femmes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles de l’Afrique ». Il passe en revue la situation, y compris les réalisations et les défis en rapport avec la pertinence, l’équité, et l’égalité dans les rôles…
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/REP
Paper introduces the rationale for focusing on women’s land rights and explains the Learning Route methodology and the preparation of this Route in particular, before providing background information on land tenure and women’s land rights in Rwanda and Burundi. The three case studies and the…
In conflict situations, peace settlements and cease-fire agreements may often, end violent conflicts, but do not prevent renewed violence or guarantee a permanent end to conflicts.5 According to the World Bank, chances that renewed conflicts will erupt are high and even higher when control over…
To ensure a food-secure future, farming must become climate resilient. Around the world, governments and communities are adopting innovations that are improving the lives of millions while reducing agriculture’s climate footprint. These successful examples show the many ways climate-smart…
Gaining access to private lands in war-torn societies is a problem that confronts many governments, including Burundi when implementing public projects. Government officials hastily acquired private lands while implementing projects which are not always for public interests. Using the case study…
This volume examines and evaluates the impact of international statebuilding interventions on the political economy of conflict-affected countries over the past 20 years. It focuses on countries that are emerging, or have recently emerged, from periods of war and protracted conflict. The…