Tokelau joined the Organization as an Associate Member in 2011. Over the past few years, FAO assistance to the Pacific Island Territory has contributed to the sustainable management of natural resources and food security. Interventions have focused on inshore fisheries as well as coastal and…
The FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) for the Pacific Sub-Region is a five year strategic program framework covering the period 2013-2017. It details outcomes and outputs in four priority result areas to which FAO assistance will be focused to address the development challenges and…
This Act adds a new part on land to the Tokelau Act of 1948. Any land in Tokelau which at the commencement of the principal Act was owned in fee simple by any person other than the Crown shall for the purposes of this Part of his Act be deemed to he held in fee simple by grant from the Crown,…
Amendment relating to the form of wills and legal consequences.
Amends: Wills Act, 1837. (1837-07-03)
The United Kingdom Act regulates matters of wills and inheritance of estates of deceased persons. A general devise of the testator's lands shall include copyhold and leasehold as well as freehold lands, in the absence of a contrary intention (sect. 26).
Amended by: Wills Amendment Act…
This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 with respect to the administration of Tokelau as a non-self-governing territory under the Charter of the United Nations. It defines responsibilities of New Zealand and elders of Tokelau. The Act:(a) confers on the General Fono a power to make Rules for…
This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 with respect to legal proceedings and makes consequential amendments to the Tokelau (Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone) Act 1977; the Tokelau Crimes Regulations 1975; the Tokelau (New Zealand Laws) Regulations 1975; the Chattels Transfer Act in…
This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 by repealing the definition of "Tokelau" and by making consequential amendments regarding instutions to the principal Act and the Maori and Island Affairs Department Act 1968.
Amends: Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24). (1948)
This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 with respect to matters of legitimacy of the right of inheritance. The provisions of legitimacy: (a) insofar as it affects wills, shall have effect only in relation to the wills of testators who die after the passing of this Act; and (b) insofar as it affects…
This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 by vesting in the native inhabitants of the atoll of Fakaofo specified land as a village area, to be held by them and their descendants according to their native customs and usages.
Amends: Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24). (1948)
This Act makes provision for the administration of Tokelau and in particular provides with respect legislative powers of the General Fono and the Governor-General, proof of existence of rules, disallowance of rules and restoration of legislation. The Act also provides for the continuation in…
This Act, consisting of 9 sections, makes provision for the administration of Tokelau and in particular provides with respect legislative powers of the General Fono and the Governor-General, proof of existence of rules, disallowance of rules and restoration of legislation. The Act also provides…