Décret n° 2000-308 du 2 octobre 2000 portant création et fixant les statuts du Bureau du Cadastre Minier de Madagascar
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The document titled "Décret n° 2000-308 du 2 octobre 2000" outlines the establishment and statutes of the Bureau du Cadastre Minier de Madagascar (BCMM). As per the law n° 99-022 of 19 August 1999, the BCMM is created as a public establishment with industrial and commercial character, possessing legal personality and financial autonomy. The decree sets the statutes of the BCMM. The organization and operation of the BCMM, along with its objectives, are determined by its statutes as annexed to this decree.
The document further details the human resources required for the smooth functioning of the BCMM, which includes personnel recruited on employment contracts, officials detached from the Ministry in charge of Mines, and a public accountant appointed by the Minister in charge of Finance. The recruitment procedures for the personnel are defined in the BCMM statutes and supplemented by the Minister in charge of Mines. The BCMM is subject to audits by the Inspection Générale de l’Etat, and its accounts are verified by an independent accounting firm appointed by the Administrative Board and the Court of Accounts. The document also includes provisions for transitional arrangements until the Administrative Board and BCMM management are fully functional, and for the transfer of net revenues upon the appointment of the BCMM's accounting officer. It concludes with the abrogation of any previous conflicting provisions and the implementation responsibilities of various ministers.