Resource information
The present Law establishes legal bases for the concession of state, municipal and private land in lease and lease relations. Lease land means fixed-date land tenancy on contractual basis. The document consists of V Secs. that contain 31 Arts. Section I (arts. 1-8) lays down general provisions. Section II (Arts. 9-17) establishes the modalities of concession of land in lease. Section III (Arts. 18-23) regards renters and lease-holders. Section IV (Arts. 24-28) regards relations of ownership during the period of lease. Section V (Arts. 29-31) establishes liability for the infringement of the legislation on lease and dispute settlement.
Implemented by: Presidential Decree No.116 of 1999 regarding implementation of Law No.587-IG of 1998 on lease land. (1999-03-12)