Groundbreaking Reports Detail the State of Land Information in Mozambique, Liberia, and Sudan | Land Portal

We are proud to announce the release of three State of Land Information reports, which detail the land information status in Mozambique, Liberia, and Sudan. These comprehensive reports provide an in-depth analysis of the current land information systems, legal frameworks, and data accessibility in these countries.

Key Findings:

  • MozambiqueResearched by the consultancy firm Terra Firma, the report highlights Mozambique's progress in land data governance, with a focus on the integration of land rights into the national policy framework. The challenges in data accessibility and transparency remain areas for further improvement.
  • Liberia: In Liberia, significant strides have been made in land registration and information systems. However, the report identifies gaps in data availability and the need for more robust infrastructure to support land governance.
  • SudanThe Sudan report details the complex landscape of land information, affected by political instability and conflict. It emphasizes the urgent need for structured data governance and open data initiatives to support land administration and conflict resolution.

These reports are instrumental for policymakers, stakeholders, and international organizations in understanding and improving land governance in these countries. They not only shed light on the current state but also propose recommendations for future development.

The full reports are available for download at:


About the State of Land Information (SOLI) reports
The State of Land Information (SOLI) research and reports seek to provide an overview of available government data and information on key land issues. The aim of the research is to uncover the many different sources of land data and information at the country-level and help to identify data and information gaps. The research also provides a technical assessment against open data criteria derived from international standards. The reports establish a baseline for targeted interventions to improve the information ecosystem.

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