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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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New Mongolia community research report published by WOLTS team

28 February 2019

The latest report from Mokoro's WOLTS project team is the product of rigorous field research in a third Mongolian community, in collaboration with the Mongolian NGO, People Centered Conservation (PCC). The report addresses critical issues at the intersection of gender, land, mining and pastoralism in Tsenkher soum, in Arkhangai aimag in central-western Mongolia.

“La tierra en Colombia no se usa para producir, se usa para especular”

28 February 2019

Este miércoles en la sede de la Comisión de la Verdad se llevó a cabo el seminario ‘Despojo de tierras’, que contó con la participación de los expertos en el tema de tierras Darío Fajardo y Alejandro Reyes y el comisionado Alfredo Molano. En el seminario, se discutió y se aportaron luces sobre la crisis agraria que vive el país, la problemática que significa el despojo de tierras y las expectativas para los próximos años en el campo colombiano.

Caribbean parliamentarians take action on climate change and disaster risk reduction

28 February 2019

In recent years, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has been mobilizing parliaments and calling for action on climate change and risk reduction. Since 2009, the Union has organized parliamentary meetings at Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to increase parliamentary contributions to global negotiations.

Sarawak the last oil palm frontier

27 February 2019

Sarawak: The Sarawak government’s strategy for economic growth through commercial development of agricultural land has resulted in vast areas of land being opened for large-scale plantations, including oil palm. In some places this has affected lands subject to ‘native customary land rights’.

Sarawak in Borneo is now one of last frontier areas for palm oil expansion left in Malaysia. With most available lands in the Peninsula already planted and most of Sabah already leased out, in Sarawak such expansion is accelerating.

Green Climate Fund makes first payment to Brazil for efforts to reduce deforestation

27 February 2019

It’s now been over 10 years since countries around the world started to work on the international policy framework known by reference as the acronym REDD+, which stands for ‘reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.’

Bitter aftertaste? Food companies could face costly disputes over land in Africa

25 February 2019

Decades-long legal disputes over land could cost tens of millions of dollars, research says

LONDON - Food companies doing business in Africa risk becoming bogged down in decades-long legal disputes over land that could cost tens of millions of dollars, according to a report released on Monday.

From sugar to coffee and palm oil, agribusiness firms could find that the land they are using is already claimed or occupied by local people, researchers said.

Indigenous land defender killed in Mexico days before referendum on controversial gas pipeline

23 February 2019

Indigenous Náhuatl land and water defender Samir Flores Soberanes was a vocal opponent of the "Proyecto Integral Morelos" (the integral project for Morelos) in Mexico.

The project includes the construction of the 160-kilometre Morelos Gas Pipeline that would start in the state of Tlaxcala and run to the town of Huexca (in the state of Morelos) where it would supply a proposed gas-fuelled thermoelectric plant.

Socio-economic inequality driving deforestation in Latin America

22 February 2019

Scientists at the University of Bern have found a connection between rising levels of socio-economic inequality and the rates of deforestation in Latin America.  

In combination with a rising level or urbanization across Central and South America, human development is a growing threat to the lungs of the Americas. Agriculture in particular and a growing demand for meat around the globe has seen hectares of forrest replaced with farmland each year.