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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Ghana pushes for economic empowerment of women in cocoa industry

21 March 2017


Ghana has made a strong case at the United Nations for the economic empowerment of women in the cocoa industry.

At an event on the sidelines of the on-going 61st Session of the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) at the UN Headquarters in New York, it became clear that gender inequalities limit economic productivity, efficiency and undermines the development agenda.

Amazon’s indigenous call for open dialogue with extractive industry leaders

20 March 2017


Indigenous rights leaders from a Catholic Church network traveled to Washington, D.C., to highlight human rights violations against people in the Amazon and to call for prior consultation with extractive industries pursing projects on their lands.

Pan-Amazonian Church Network Vice President Pedro Barreto Jimeno told Humanosphere that Friday’s hearing was the first time Amazonian people were the primary focus of a human rights hearing at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, D.C.

Even waste water shouldn’t be wasted

17 March 2017


It is not just an ecological imperative, it opens up business opportunities as well. Market mechanisms need to improve

On March 22, we will celebrate the 24th World Water Day. The theme this year is ‘Waste Water’. This day is generally observed to spread awareness among the general public and focus on its importance in sustainable development.

Open Call for Proposals: Data Journalism and Property Rights Grants

17 March 2017

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a grant-giving non-profit organization that supports independent global journalism, is seeking applications for data-driven journalism projects related to land rights and property rights. 

We are eager to see proposals that use open data to reveal new perspectives on property rights issues related to land tenure, indigenous land rights, transparency in land transactions and concessions, resource rights, or overlapping land use rights—just to name a few. 

Amid Delays, Citizens Increase Pressure on Lawmakers to Pass Land Right Act

17 March 2017

MONROVIA, Montserrado – Agnes Gardia, a farmer in Montserrado, believes that existing laws on land ownership put farmers at a disadvantage because they have no regard for community ownership of land.

“Recently, while carrying out my farming works, the land I am gardening on was sold to another person by a member of a family claiming ownership. The new owner has asked me to remove my crops because he is ready to carry out his construction works,” she said. “Where then do I go, and how possible is it to relocate my crops when it’s not even ready for harvest?”

Cattle industry lags behind in addressing impact on deforestation

17 March 2017

In almost every aisle of the grocery store, you can find products from the palm oil, soy, wood, and cattle industries. Together, these industries are responsible for more than a third of tropical deforestation annually, according to the non-profit organization Forest Trends. While strides have been made by all four industries toward establishing deforestation-free commodity supply chains, the cattle industry has lagged behind the others.

New Zealand transforms Whanganui River into a legal person

17 March 2017

THE Whanganui River has been granted the same legal status as a human being by New Zealand’s House of Representatives.

Explaining the world-first decision, the country’s Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson said the river would “have its own legal identity with all the corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a legal person.”