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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Sierra Leone passes globally unprecedented legislation related to climate and the environment

09 August 2022

Freetown, August 8, 2022 – Sierra Leone’s Parliament has passed two groundbreaking bills that transform communities’ ability to protect their land rights and the environment. The new legislation serves as a model for the rest of the world.


Passed by unanimous votes, the Customary Land Rights and National Land Commission Acts will, among other things:

Sierra Leone passes new laws to boost landowners' rights

08 August 2022

 Sierra Leone's parliament on Monday passed two laws that lawyers say will help boost the rights of rural landowners and women against land grabs by big mining and agribusiness firms.

The West African country has a history of sometimes deadly conflict between local communities and foreign companies that have cleared huge tracts of land for palm oil and sugarcane plantations in recent years.

Kigali city launches fresh operation against undeveloped land

04 August 2022

City of Kigali authorities have said they have embarked on renewed exercise to identify plots of land within city suburbs that have not been developed, warning that the law will take its course for those who will be found at fault.

The 2013 Law Governing Land Use in Rwanda provides for the confiscation of land within urban areas for which a detailed physical plan was approved by competent authorities, but it spends three consecutive years unexploited.


El Frente Institucional Militar de Venezuela llamó a rechazar la entrega un millón de tierras cultivables a Irán

04 August 2022

Con el título “El único dueño del país son sus ciudadanos”, el Frente Institucional Militar (FIM), organización que agrupa a 256 oficiales de diverso rango, exige que al país se le explique y se aclare sobre el anuncio de permitirle a Irán utilizar un millón de hectáreas de territorio venezolano, según el acuerdo que informó Mohsen Kushki Tabar, viceministro para asuntos económicos iraní, se hizo entre los dos países. Lo grave es que la decisión, que puede traer consecuencias muy graves para el país caribeño, la tomó Nicolás Maduro sin el conocimiento ni autorización de los