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Community Organizations Center for Open Science
Center for Open Science
Center for Open Science
Non Governmental organization


Center for Open Science
210 Ridge McIntire Road
Suite 500
United States
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Our mission is to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.

These are core values of scholarship and practicing them is presumed to increase the efficiency of acquiring knowledge.

For COS to achieve our mission, we must drive change in the culture and incentives that drive researchers’ behavior, the infrastructure that supports their research, and the business models that dominate scholarly communication.

This culture change requires simultaneous movement by funders, institutions, researchers, and service providers across national and disciplinary boundaries. Despite this, the vision is achievable because openness, integrity, and reproducibility are shared values, the technological capacity is available, and alternative sustainable business models exist.

COS's philosophy and motivation is summarized in its strategic plan and in scholarly articles outlining a vision of scientific utopia for research communication and research practices.

Because of our generous funders and outstanding partners, we are able to produce entirely free and open-source products and services. Use the header above to explore the team, services, and communities that make COS possible and productive.



Displaying 51 - 55 of 447

Biodiversity on Indigenous lands equals that in protected areas

Reports & Research
December, 2017
United States of America

Declines in global biodiversity due to land conversion and habitat loss are driving a "Sixth Mass Extinction" and many countries currently fall short of meeting even nominal land protection targets to mitigate this crisis. Here, we quantify the potential contribution of Indigenous lands to biodiversity conservation using case studies of Australia, Brazil and Canada. Indigenous lands in each country are slightly more species rich than existing protected areas and, in Brazil and Canada, support more threatened species than existing protected areas or random sites.

Protection of transport infrastructures against major accidents in land use planning policies. A decision support approach

Reports & Research
December, 2017
French Southern and Antarctic Lands

Users of transport infrastructures nearby hazardous plants may represent important populations potentially impacted by a major accident. Toulouse catastrophe in 2011 has been an illustrative example as it strongly impacted highway users. Therefore, transport infrastructure users (Roads and railways mainly) represent a population to be protected within a land use planning policy as it is the case for inhabitants.

Continuous separation of land use and climate effects on the past and future water balance

Reports & Research
October, 2017
United States of America

Understanding the combined and separate effects of climate and land use change on the water cycle is necessary to mitigate negative impacts. However, existing methodologies typically divide data into discrete (before and after) periods, implicitly representing climate and land use as step changes when in reality these changes are often gradual. Here, we introduce a new regression-based methodological framework designed to separate climate and land use effects on any hydrological flux of interest continuously through time, and estimate uncertainty in the contribution of these two drivers.

Land Certification and Schooling in Rural Ethiopia

Reports & Research
October, 2017

This paper investigates the impact of a rural land certification program on schooling in two zones of the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Using the variation in the timing of the arrival of the program at the local level, we investigate the link between land tenure security, schooling and child labor. The results show a positive effect of improved land rights on school enrollment for all children in one of the zones studied, and for oldest sons in the other. Grade progress of oldest sons, who are most likely to inherit the land, worsens.