The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).
Displaying 3271 - 3275 of 15550National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is a multi-sectoral planning instrument applicable at the national level and aiming at contributing to the protection of biodiversity in Botswana. The NBSAP vision was developed based on the principles of sustainable development, integrated conservation and development, equity across generations, and biodiversity as the foundation of life and livelihoods.
Resolución Nº 047/09/COFOPRI - Normas para el empadronamiento, verificación, levantamiento de contingencias y calificación dentro del proceso de formalización individual.
La presente Resolución aprueba la Directiva del COFOPRI que establece Normas para el empadronamiento, verificación, levantamiento de contingencias y calificación dentro del proceso de formalización individual.
Implementa: Decreto Supremo Nº 006-2006-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 28687, Ley que regula la formalización de la propiedad informal. (2006-03-16)
Property Valuation Act.
The present Act is a piece of basic legislation for the assessment of property both movable and immovable in Austria. The First Part of the Act (arts. 2-17) is applicable to charges regulated by federal law, as well as contributions regulated by federal law to public corporations and to Funds.The provisions of the Second Part of the present Federal Act(arts.
Tla'amin Final Agreement Act (S.C. 2014, c. 11).
The present Act gives effect to the Tla’amin Final Agreement. In this connexion section 4 establishes that the Agreement is approved, given effect and declared valid and has the force of law. The text consists of 20 sections.
Implements: Tla’amin Final Agreement. (2014-04-11)
Act on improvement of agricultural structure and coast protection.
According to article 91a, paragraph 1, of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz) measures on the improvement of production methods, working conditions, management and in general in the agricultural, fishery, forestry and water sector shall be taken with the agreement of regional governments. For this purpose a common frame work is devised and every year within the 1 March the Länder submit a general working plan to the Federal Minister for Nutrition, Agriculture and Forestry for approvement within the said frame work. The Act consists of 14 articles.