The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).
Displaying 3351 - 3355 of 15550Executive Order expanding the coverage of the National Greening Programme (No. 193 of 2015).
This Executive Order, consisting of 6 sections, expands The Coverage of the National Greening Programme to cover all the remaining unproductive, denuded and degraded forestlands and its period of implementation is likewise extended from 2016 to 2028. All sectors, particularly the private sector, are encouraged to actively participate in the Expanded National Greening Programme.
Loi nº 2008-43 portant Code de l’Urbanisme.
La présente loi porte Code de l'urbanisme, et harmonise les dispositions du précédent Code avec celles de la loi n° 96-07 du 22 mars 1996 portant transfert de compétences aux régions, communes et communautés rurales a consacré en matière d’urbanisme le transfert de certaines compétences qui relevaient de l’Etat aux collectivités locales.
Parks Act ( S.N.B. 1982, c. P-2.1).
This Act provides for the designation of areas to be parts of provincial parks and provides for the management of such parks. The Act covers also the appointment and powers of park wardens, the protection of flora, prospecting and mining and enforcement measures.
Implemented by: General Regulation - Parks Act (N.B. Reg. 85-104). (2010-08-31)
Repealed by: Parks Act (RSNB 2011, c 202). (2014-06-24)
Ministerial Assignment (L.N. No. 102 of 2015).
This instrument of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji assigns to Attorney General and Minister for Finance, Public Enterprises, Civil Service and Communications, the responsibility for the conduct of the specified Government business, departments and written laws. Business includes Climate Change and trusts and as offices in departments the Strategic Planning and National Development Centre and the Climate Change Unit (Ministry of Finance) and the Office of the Registrar of Titles (Ministry of Justice).
Real Property Regulation 2014.
The object of this Regulation, consisting of 25 sections divided into five Parts and completed by six Schedules, is to remake, with minor changes, the provisions of the Real Property Regulation 2008 which was repealed on 1 September 2014 by section 10(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.