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Displaying 13 - 24 of 418

Sub-decree No. 100 on Cutting and Reclassifying 716.18 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary, Forest Cover and ELC in Kampong Speu province

Março, 2013

Cutting 716.18 ha of land in Kpes village ofTar Sal commune in Aoral district of Kampong Speu province: 628.69 ha from Phnom Aoral Wildlife Sanctuary, 83.50 ha from 2002 Forest Cover, and 3.99 ha from ELC of Great Field company; Reclassifying 541.52 ha as state private land for donating to 192 families; and Reserving 174.66 ha as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 411 on Cutting, Donating and Reserving 269.2104 hectares of ELCs in Ratanak Kiri province

Junho, 2013

Cutting 269.2104 ha in Tarlao village of Tarlao commune in Andoung Meas district of Ratanak Kiri province: 69.0858 ha from ELC of Veasna Investment, and 200.1246 ha from ELC of Hoang Anh Oyadav; Donating 230.3759 ha to 50 families; and Reserving 38.8345 ha as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 231 on Cutting and Reclassifying 1,300.21 hectares of ELCs and Conservation Protected Forest in Mondulkiri province

Maio, 2013

Cutting 1,300.21 ha of land in Pu Tit village of Busrar commune in Pech Chreada district of Mondulkiri province: 1,045.31 ha from Mondulkiri Genetic Resources, Plants and Wildlife Conservation Protected Forest, 61.61 ha from ELC of Sethikula, and 193.29 ha from ELC of Varanasi; Reclassifying1,248.22 ha as state private land for donating to 419 families; Reserving 51.99 ha as state public land; and Grating ownership to 611 private land parcels.

Sub-decree No. 88 on Cutting and Reclassifying 876.42 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary and ELC in Kampong Speu province

Março, 2013

Cutting 876.42 ha of land in Kreal Pong village of Tar Sal commune in Aoral district of Kampong Speu province: 743.23 ha from Phnom Aoral Wildlife Sanctuary, and 133.19 ha from ELC of Great Field company; Reclassifying 664.69 ha as state private land for donating to 206 families; and Reserving 211.73 ha as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 99 on Cutting, Donating and Reserving 165.4029 hectares of ELCs in Ratanak Kiri province

Março, 2013

Cutting 165.4029 ha in Lom village of Malik commune in Andoung Meas district of Ratanak Kiri province: 48.9604 ha from ELC of Veasna Investment, and 116.4425 ha from ELC of Jiang Ly; Donating 141.9664 ha to 32 families; Reserving 23.4365 ha for population growth and physical infrastructure development; and Granting ownership to 39 private land parcels.

Sub-decree No. 57 on Cutting and Reclassifying 996.01 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary, ELCs and Conservation Protected Forest in Mondulkiri province

Fevereiro, 2013

Cutting 996.01 ha of land in Pu Luh village of Busrar commune in Pech Chreada district of Mondulkiri province: 474.83 ha from Phnom Namlea Wildlife Sanctuary, 107.98 ha from Mondulkiri Genetic Resources, Plants and Wildlife Conservation Protected Forest, 5.82 ha from ELC of Sethikula, 379.66 ha from ELC of Dak Lak, and 27.72 ha from ELC of K Peace; Reclassifying 874.10 ha as state private land for donating to 352 families; and Reserving 121.91 ha as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 87 on Cutting and Reclassifying 451.31 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary, Forest Cover and ELC in Kampong Speu province

Março, 2013

Cutting 451.31 ha of land in Romangsor village of Tar Sal commune in Aoral district of Kampong Speu province: 34.27 ha from Phnom Aoral Wildlife Sanctuary, 330.27 ha from 2002 Forest Cover, and 88.77 ha from ELC of Great Field company; Reclassifying 280.02 ha as state private land for donating to 92 families; and Reserving 173.29 ha as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 95 on Cutting, Donating and Reserving 1,300.0267 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province

Março, 2013

Cutting 1,300.0267 ha in Ka Te village of Malik commune in Andoung Meas district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of Veasna Investment; Donating 1,095.0226 ha to 78 [49] families; Reserving 205.0041 ha for population growth and physical infrastructure development; and Granting ownership to 84 private land parcels.