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Decision No. 512/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025.

Abril, 2014

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region and ensure consistency with the sectoral development master plans. 2.

Plan National Climat de la Belgique 2009 – 2012.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2008

Le Chapitre 1.2 établit les objectifs du Plan National Climat. Le premier objectif du Plan National Climat consiste à formaliser les grands axes stratégiques prioritaires que la Belgique met en œuvre pour relever le défi du Protocole de Kyoto. Il s’agit d’optimiser l’impact des politiques et mesures mises en place par les différentes autorités compétentes, par le développement de synergies et d’approches complémentaires, compte tenu des compétences respectives de ces entités. A cet effet, 11 axes stratégiques ont été identifiés: Six axes stratégiques sectoriels sont dressés: 1.

Stratégie nationale sur la restauration des paysages forestiers et des infrastructures vertes à Madagascar, 2017.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2016

Les objectifs de cette Stratégie nationale sur la restauration des paysages forestiers et des infrastructures vertes (SNRPF) à Madagascar sont: une planification de l’aménagement du paysage et un processus décisionnel communautaires; une coopération intersectorielle efficace et une coordination entre agences gouvernementales aux niveaux national, infranational et local; un renforcement de la capacité des institutions locales à mieux gérer les conflits sur l’utilisation et la propriété des terres; et une amélioration des politiques visant à une gestion intégrée des terres.

Protection Zone Law (1997)

Fevereiro, 1997

The Law provides rules on different types of protection zones, protected areas, and protection strips, which are specified in laws and other regulatory enactments. Its purpose is to determine the types of protection zones and the functions thereof; the basic principles for the establishment of protection zones; the procedures for the maintenance and control of the condition of protection zones; and restrictions of economic activity in protection zones.

National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia for 2007-2013

National Policies
Fevereiro, 2007

The National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia is a national cross-sectoral action plan of Estonia for the period 2007-2013. Its main objective is to present a consensual list of nationally prioritised activities aimed at achieving the primary goals of the environmental policy specified in the national Environmental Strategy, indicating the financing needs and discussing the most optimal use of non-budgetary funding sources.The Action Plan aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

The political economy of corruption and REDD+: Lessons from the Philippines’ pilot sites

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2014
Sudeste Asiático

Corruption is a continuing feature of the Philippines’ natural resource sectors. Given keen interest in the country’s REDD+ potential, it is useful to consider corruption risks related to REDD+ from a political economy perspective. This U4 Issue draws on fieldwork from two REDD+ pilot sites to assess current governance and anti-corruption safeguards related to benefit-sharing, land tenure rights for indigenous peoples, and private sector involvement. Many anti-corruption actions are in place in the pilot sites, but they are weakly embedded in social relations at the local level.

Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities

Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2010

The Atlas of Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities represents a first-ever global approximation of where degraded forest lands have the potential to be restored—opportunities to reduce poverty, improve food security, mitigate climate change, and protect the environment. The Atlas was produced by World Resources Institute in collaboration with the University of Maryland and the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a contribution to the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration. The maps in the atlas are presented at a resolution of 1 km.


Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2010
África subsariana
O objecto deste relatório são os utilizadores dos produtos florestais e os efeitos da conjugação
das suas estratégias e actividades extractivas na sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais e no
desenvolvimento sustentável da região. O objectivo é contribuir para a compreensão dos
efeitos da utilização da floresta pelos diversos utilizadores na sustentabilidade do recurso.

Agroextrativismo e pagamentos por serviços socioambientais: reflexões a partir das Reservas Extrativistas da Terra do Meio (PA)

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

No contexto de aumento de propostas de sistemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais e também de reconhecimento crescente da contribuição dos povos tradicionais para a sociobiodiversidade e o combate às mudanças climáticas, esse artigo apresenta um processo em curso de identificação das contribuições socioambientais de povos tradicionais da Terra do Meio.

Maku Nadëb da aldeia Jeremias, Terra Indígena Paraná do Boá-Boá, Amazonas

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
Entre 2014 e 2015, a comunidade Jeremias da Terra Indígena Paraná do Boá-Boá, no município de Japurá, no Amazonas, realizou um levantamento socioambiental participativo, cuja pesquisa se deu em parceria com o Conselho Indigenista Missionário – Prelazia de Tefé (CIMI) e o Instituto Socioambiental (ISA). Esta publicação apresenta os resultados do levantamento socioambiental realizado pela pesquisadora indígena, Adneuza Souto, junto com comunidade Maku Nadëb da aldeia Jeremias da Terra Indígena Paraná Boá-Boá. 

Situação territorial, desmatamento e focos de calor em 60 municípios da Amazônia Legal

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
A Amazônia Legal é composta por 772 municípios de 9 estados brasileiros, ocupando uma área de aproximadamente 5,2 milhões de quilômetros quadrados (km²), onde vivem 27,8 milhões de pessoas, equivalentes a 61% do território e a 13% da população estimada do Brasil em 2019 (IBGE, 2014; IBGE, 2019a; IBGE, 2019b).

Revisiting forest transition explanations: The role of “push” factors and adaptation strategies in forest expansion in northern Phetchabun, Thailand

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2019

Researchers and policy makers are increasingly looking at the drivers of forest recovery (or forest transition) for inspiration in their search for win-win solutions to deforestation. However, causal generalizations regarding forest transitions are subject to significant problems. First, forest transition theory (FTT), at least in its simplest renditions, tends to emphasize socially benign processes and fails to pay sufficient attention to the causal role—and social impacts—of negative (push) dynamics.