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Issueszona urbanaOrganization
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Solid Ground

Solid Ground is a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity to improve access to land for shelter


MINURVI es la entidad de coordinación y de cooperación intergubernamental de los países de América Latina y del Caribe, en el área de desarrollo sustentable de los asentamientos humanos.

Está compuesto por los Ministros de Estado y las demás autoridades gubernamentales bajo cuya competencia se encuentren, en los respectivos países, los asuntos vinculados al desarrollo sustentable de los asentamientos humanos. Cada Estado Miembro designa la autoridad gubernamental que lo presentará en las reuniones de MINURVI.

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) was founded in 1954 within the Faculty of Architecture. It was established as an independent scientific research organization by the Decision of the Republic Executive Council No.N/303 of May 13, 1961. The Institute’s scientific research and professional work is carried out within three organizational units as follows:

  1. Center for Architecture and Housing;
  2. Center for Spatial Development and Environment, and

Articulo – Journal of Urban Research

Articulo – Journal of Urban Research is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the exploration of urban issues through the lens of a wide range of social science approaches. The Journal embraces a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformation of social, environmental and economic issues of cities and city regions. Publishing both theoretical and empirical articles, the Journal is an international forum that brings together academics and practitioners working on urban issues in cities around the world to present ground breaking and relevant research.

Urban Training and Studies Institute


The Urban Training and Studies Institute- UTI was established via cooperation between the Housing and Building National Research Centre - HBRC in Cairo and the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies- IHS in Rotterdam within the framework of the development cooperation between the Governments of the Netherlands and Egypt.

Revista Rural & Urbano

A Revista Rural Urbano é um periódico semestral vinculado aos grupos de pesquisas Produção do Espaço, Metropolização e Relação Rural-urbano da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (GPRU/UFRPE) e Nexus: Sociedade x Natureza da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Nexus/UFPE). Seu objetivo é constituir-se enquanto canal de veiculação científica da rede de pesquisadores sobre as relações rural-urbano, bem como congregar artigos e resenhas científicas, a partir da Geografia, que versem sobre processos existentes no espaço rural e no espaço urbano brasileiros.

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


A Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), com sede em Florianópolis, capital do estado de Santa Catarina, foi fundada em 18 de dezembro de 1960, com o objetivo de promover o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão. Sua comunidade é constituída por cerca de 70 mil pessoas, entre docentes, técnicos-administrativos em Educação e estudantes de graduação, pós-graduação, ensino médio, fundamental e básico. São mais de 5.600 servidores, aproximadamente 2.500 professores e 3.200 TAEs.

South African Cities Network


The South African Cities Network (SACN) is an established network of South African cities and partners that encourages the exchange of information, experience and best practices on urban development and city management. Since 2002 the SACN’s objectives are to:

  • Promote good governance and management in South African cities
  • Analyse strategic challenges facing South African cities
  • Collect, collate, analyse, assess, disseminate and apply the experience of large city government in a South African context

id21 Development Research Reporting Service


Aims to make policymakers and on-the-ground development managers aware of the latest and best in British development research findings. Offers policy-relevant findings on critical global development issues, drawn from over 40 major UK-based economics and social studies departments and think-tanks, together with a wide range of NGO research departments and consultants.

Service is divided into sectors:

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