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There are 2, 647 content items of different types and languages related to equidade de género no acesso à terra on the Land Portal.
Displaying 289 - 300 of 502

Women’s land rights in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2009
África do Sul

The Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa Project (WOLAR) is aimed at enhancing women’s access to, ownership of, control over land and other productive resources and services in order to meet their basic livelihood needs and become more economically independent and secure.

Learning exchange on linking social protection with food security and agriculture-based livelihoods in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2015
África austral

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) and Reos Partners organised a learning exchange aimed to deepening the understanding on the linkages between agriculture and social protection, focusing on lessons and experiences from southern Africa. The purpose of this learning exchange was to facilitate sharing and compiling of lessons learned in the design, implementation and institutional arrangements of linkages between social protection, food security and agricultural-based livelihoods, including good practice

Gendered impact of commercial pressures on land

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2016

This gender study forms part of the International Land Coalition’s ‘Commercial Pressures on Land Initiative’ Global Study. As stated by the International Land Coalition (ILC), the goal of this initiative is to support the efforts of ILC members and other stakeholders to influence global, regional and national processes on land to enable secure and equitable access to land for poor women and men in the face of increasing commercial demand for land (ILC 2010a, emphasis added).

Women’s land rights and gender justice in land governance: pillars in the promotion and protection of women’s human rights in rural areas

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

Across the developing world, rural women suffer widespread gender-based discrimination in laws, customs and practices cause severe inequalities in their ability to access, control, own and use land and limit their participation in decision-making at all levels of land governance.

Políticas de Género e Feminização da Pobreza em Moçambique

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2008

A igualdade de género e o empoderamento das mulheres têm desde há muito feito parte da agenda internacional do desenvolvimento, e mais ainda desde a Conferência de Beijing em 1995 e da apresentação da noção de “integração do género” (UN/DAW 2008). A questão penetrou também nas políticas nacionais de desenvolvimento, tornando-se parte integrante da maioria dos planos de

Mind the Gap

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2016

The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda is one of the most gender sensitive constitutions in the world, with clear provisions for promoting and protecting the rights of women. This is also the case in relation to women’s land rights – the Constitution clearly vests land in the people of Uganda, including the rights of women to own and inherit land. Other land laws, including the Land Act, recognize and uphold women’s rights to land as individuals, and as part of a family or community.

Land conflicts and their impact on Refugee women’s livelihoods in southwestern Uganda

Reports & Research
Junho, 2006

This paper presents the preliminary findings of a study on land conflicts between refugees and host communities in southwestern Uganda and their impact on refugee women’s livelihoods. Uganda has a long history of hosting refugees that dates back to the 1940s, when it hosted Polish refugees; Rwandese and Sudanese in the 1950s (Holborn 1975:1213-1225).

Lei de terras: entre a lei e as práticas na defesa de direitos sobre a terra

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2014

Hoje, no quadro dos projectos de exploração dos recursos minerais e grandes projectos de construção de infra estruturas, ocorrem, ou há potencialidade de ocorrência, conflitos que opõem particulares entre si (titular de um direito sobre a terra e um investidor) ou particular e a Administração Pública.
Por isso, considera-se que seria importante discutir os mecanismos de extinção de direitos sobre a terra e os meios de defesa do direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra (DUAT) como forma de procurar demonstrar a relação entre a Lei e a prática.

Regadio do Baixo Limpopo

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Movida por uma assombrosa denúncia feita em Maputo no decorrer de um seminário sobre responsabilidade corporativa em 2012, a Justiça Ambiental (JA) decide começar a monitorar os impactos sociais do projecto da sociedade Wanbao Africa Agriculture Development Limited no Regadio do Baixo Limpopo. Fá-lo através de várias visitas de campo, de entrevistas, bem como através de uma fundamental articulação com a sociedade civil local.

Enhancing Legal Empowerment Through Engagement with Customary Justice Systems

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2010

The complex relationship between law, land rights and customary practices is increasingly recognized as foundational to formulating successful development policies. Similarly, the essential role of women’s economic participation to development and the current trend of gender discriminatory land and inheritance customary practices have prompted domestic civil society organizations in developing countries to use statutory provisions guaranteeing gender equality to improve women’s land tenure security.