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Zambia: Private Sector Investment In Security Of Land Tenure. From Piloting Using Technology To National Rollout

Dezembro, 2021

ABSTRACT Context and background Zambia has grappled with implementing the land titling from 2017 when it started the piloting of the National Land Titling Programme through the seventh National Development Plan (2017-2021). The implementation started in 2017 with a small pilot project conducted in Lusaka City in areas called Madido and Kamwala.


Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Gender and land rights are closely intertwined with each other. Globally, more than 400 million women work in agriculture. Women comprise 43 percent of the agricultural labor force in developing countries, yet they account for less than 20 percent of landholders (FAO 2011). These disparities are even higher in some regions. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, 60 to 70 percent of employed women work in agriculture, with similar rates of land ownership (that is, less than 20 percent).

Uneven development, politics and governance in urban Africa

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper considers the foundations of contemporary African urban economies and how these intersect with the evolution of urban politics, carving a route through a wide range of existing literatures relevant to the politics and political economy of African urban development. It considers the economic and demographic drivers of urbanisation in Africa and their consequences for urban restructuring and uneven development, before turning to the forms of urban politics that have emerged alongside, responded to and also helped shape these urban economic developments.

Land Governance in the Outskirts of African Cities.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2021

In the next 30 years, Africa’s population is expected to double, and the continent will be home to 2.5 billion people. Almost half of this population will be living in urban agglomerations. Metropolitan cities, such as Lagos, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam or Abidjan will host several tens of millions of urban dwellers. Peri-urban areas are most affected by the cities’ expansion and undergo important social, political and economic transformations.This Ifri briefing analyses how these changes translate into land governance, a key sector of urban development.

What Drives Landowners to Resist Selling Their Land? Insights from Ethical Capitalism and Landowners’ Perceptions

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2021

Foreign land grabbing is acknowledged as a phenomenon that generates disempowerment and dispossession of local farmers, human rights violations. Previous studies have revealed the lack of ethical benchmarks in foreign large-scale land transactions that raise moral concerns. It is evident that when resources are scarce and people depend on them, the balance between values and interests transforms itself into a dilemma.

How has LIFTs Economic Empowerment Unit incentivised landholders to keep their SLLC up to date?

Reports & Research
Julho, 2019

This study explores how LIFTs market development interventions have encouraged landowners to formally register land transactions;thus ensuring that local land registers are up to date..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check:

Prioritization of land consolidation and exchange works in villages of eastern Poland using example of Frampol commune

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2018

Land consolidation and land exchange are two important measures that can be used to improve the spatial structure of farm holdings. Unfortunately, land cannot be consolidated and exchanged in all villages of a given area simultaneously, due to economic, technical, and social considerations. Instead, an analysis has to be carried out, which allows one to rank the villages with regard to how urgently they need consolidation and exchange of land.

Negotiating and implementing large scale land deals in Sierra Leone. Improving transparency and consent

Julho, 2018

Research in Sierra Leone reveals that the role of Paramount Chiefs and MPs in approaching communities for negotiations compromised Free;Prior and Informed Consent. Companies and local authority figures used vague references to ‘developmentto convince landowners to sign. There are a number of investments that could be classed as ‘speculativewhile customary decision-making regarding the agreement to lease land excluded women;junior men;and members of non-land-owning families. Concludes with policy recommendations.

The gender gap in land rights

Institutional & promotional materials
Março, 2018
Burkina Faso

For rural women and men, land is often the most important household asset for supporting agricultural production and providing food security and nutrition. Evidence shows that secure land tenure is strongly associated with higher levels of investment and productivity in agriculture – and therefore with higher incomes and greater economic wellbeing. Secure land rights for women are often correlated with better outcomes for them and their families, including greater bargaining power at household and community levels, better child nutrition and lower levels of gender-based violence.

Landowner and land trust agent preferences for conservation easements: Implications for sustainable land uses and landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Conservation easements offer sustainable land use and environmental conservation through land use restrictions. Opportunities exist to improve the efficiency by which parties interested in conservation easement transactions are matched, which may contribute to the overall protection of agricultural landscapes. This study utilizes stated choice questions to elicit preferences for conservation easements by both landowners, as potential easement suppliers, and land trust professionals as potential easement demanders.

Retornar al campo: Opción de vida de la familia Aquino Poma

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

La familia Aquino Poma decide retornar al campo y aprovechar la propiedad familiar de los Aquino. Gracias a un acuerdo, no dividen la propiedad entre los hermanos y se hacen cargo de toda la producción, construyen 10 qotañas (atajados) para la reserva de agua y de esa forma viabilizan la producción agrícola y pecuaria de su predio.