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The analysis of the implementation of the land consolidation project of the parts of Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area

Dezembro, 2016

The land consolidation project of the parts of Vilkaviškis district municipality, Pilviškiai and Klausučiai elderates, Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area is analysed in the article, the main indicators of the project, the meaning of land consolidation, the need to improve the order of the execution and implementation of these activities are described in the article. The survey was carried out to examine the opinion of the participants of the project regarding the advantages of the proceeding and results of the project as well as some of its drawbacks.

Sand winning in Dormaa as an interlocking of livelihood strategies with environmental governance regimes

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2016

In this article, the attempt is made to address regime interaction in environmental governance by emphasising human livelihood action as a causal factor in this interaction. The paper elucidates how governing human behaviour on environmental resources is a process of interaction between different environmental governance regimes.

Markets, Contracts, and Uncertainty in a Groundwater Economy

Junho, 2016

Groundwater is a vital yet threatened
resource in much of South Asia. This paper develops a model
of groundwater transactions under payoff uncertainty arising
from unpredictable fluctuations in groundwater availability
during the agricultural dry season. The model highlights the
trade-off between the ex post inefficiency of long-term
contracts and the ex ante inefficiency of spot contracts.
The structural parameters are estimated using detailed

Understanding the Characteristics of Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners Who Harvest Trees

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Achieving regional and national goals of renewable energy production will depend on sufficient supply of biomass from private forests, the majority of which are controlled by non-industrial private forest landowners (NIPF). Considering the diversity in management objectives and changing demographic dynamics in this ownership group, it is important to understand the characteristics of landowners that may supply woody biomass. This study developed linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and classification tree (CT) models to examine the characteristics and motivation of such NIPF landowners.

Pests controlling pests: does predator control lead to greater European rabbit abundance in Australasia?

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
Nova Zelândia

In New Zealand and Australia, rural landowners believe that local predator control to protect indigenous biota exacerbates European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus problems on their land. We assess the validity of their concerns by reviewing the published literature on effects of predators on rabbit abundance. In New Zealand, where rabbits and their predators are introduced, predators appear to have relatively little effect on rabbit numbers compared with other factors leading to mortality, such as disease, flooding of burrows and burrow collapse.

Understanding the Motivations, Satisfaction, and Retention of Landowners in Private Land Conservation Programs

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
África do Sul
África austral

Private land conservation is an increasingly popular approach to protect critical biodiversity. In the Western Cape Province of South Africa private land conservation is the focal strategy for CapeNature, the provincial conservation agency. Despite its importance, little is known about the drivers of landowner participation in the CapeNature program and how these varied motivations influence participant satisfaction and retention.

Floodplain conservation in the Mississippi River Valley: combining spatial analysis, landowner outreach, and market assessment to enhance land protection for the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, U.S.A

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
América do Norte

Threats to riverine landscapes are often the result of system‐wide river management policy, located far from where the threats appear, or both. As a result, the rationale for land protection to achieve floodplain conservation and restoration has shifted to require that lands must also have multiple and systemic threat abatement benefits. The Mississippi River Flood of 2011 highlighted the need for increased floodplain complexes along the Mississippi River to provide both systemic threat abatement and conservation benefits.

Can carbon credits fund riparian forest restoration?

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
Estados Unidos

Ecological restoration is increasingly called on to provide ecosystem services (ES) valuable to humans, as well as to benefit biodiversity and improve wildlife habitat. Where mechanisms to pay for ES exist, they may serve as incentives to embark on habitat restoration projects. We evaluated the potential of newly established carbon markets in the United States to incentivize afforestation along riparian corridors, by comparing the income earnable by carbon offset credits with the costs of planting, maintaining, and registering such a restoration project in California.

Ecosystem services and Indiana agriculture: farmers’ and conservationists’ perceptions

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
Estados Unidos

The fate of ecosystem services (ESS) in the United States depends on the actions of private landowners and operators (‘farmers’). This work uses a mixed qualitative and quantitative method to understand farmer knowledge of ESS and willingness to manage lands from an ESS perspective. Fourteen interviews were conducted to analyze farmer understanding of ESS within the context of conservation management.

Reviewing the role of habitat banking and tradable development rights in the conservation policy mix

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Habitat banking and tradable development rights (TDR) have gained considerable currency as a way of achieving ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity and of reconciling nature conservation with economic development goals. This paper reviews the use of these instruments for biodiversity conservation and assesses their roles in the policy mix. The two instruments are compared in terms of effectiveness, cost effectiveness, social impact, institutional context and legal requirements.