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Theoretical aspects regarding the „person” in land law legal relations

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2017

In land law, legal norms are regulating land legal relations, which represent a complex of relations that appear between the landowners in the process of land use. Those who are under the legal norm find in its content the „model” of behaviour they must have, whether a certain action or abstention is required from them or if they are allowed to do or not to do something. Land legislation determines a particular notion regarding the subjects participating in land relations.

Land tenure in rural lowland Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2017

This study emerged out of an identified need to document social processes leading to land insecurity, and those leading to investment and sustainable use of lands by rural populations. Focusing on the Delta and Dry Zone, the main paddy producing regions of Myanmar, this analysis unravels the powers at play in shaping rural households’ relationship to land.

Parceleros y su resistencia por la tierra ante la urbanización

Reports & Research
Maio, 2017

Con el avance de la urbanización en Lima, muchos parceleros optaron vender sus parcelas a las inmobiliarias. Sin embargo, existe el caso de parceleros y parceleras que vieron la necesidad de resistir a la venta de sus tierras agrícolas para la lotización y tomaron, en ese sentido, diferentes mecanismos, entre ellos la producción agrícola directa y la formación de una asociación de productores.

How Do Differences in Land Ownership Types in China Affect Land Development? A Case from Beijing

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2017

China has a unique land use system in which there are two types of land ownership, namely, state-owned urban land and farmer collective-owned rural land. Despite strict restrictions on the use rights of farmer collective-owned land, rural land is, in fact, developed along two pathways: it is formally acquired by the state and transferred into state ownership, or it is informally developed while remaining in collective ownership.

Stability evaluation of the number of farmers farms and declared agricultural land in Lithuania

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2016

The beginning of the restitutional land reallocation reform in 1991 brought a rapid change in agricultural land utilisation and user groups resulting in the decrease of state land users’ categories and the growth of private agricultural land areas used by farmers and other natural and legal entities. The aim of the article is to analyse the stability of farmers farms and their agricultural areas in Lithuania during the period between 2009 and 2014.

Using the high conservation value forest concept and Pareto optimization to identify areas maximizing biodiversity and ecosystem services in cork oak landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Montados are silvo-pastoral systems, typical of the western Mediterranean Basin. When well managed, these ecosystems provide relevant ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. In the northern part of the Mediterranean Basin, cork oak areas are mainly privately owned and a source of income to landowners, chiefly through cork and livestock production. Sustainable use is essential to maintain the ecological sustainability and socio-economic viability of these ecosystems.

Conservation strategies for Araucaria Forests in Southern Brazil: assessing current and alternative approaches

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Efforts to protect the remaining Araucaria Forest fragments in Southern Brazil have focused on large forests dominated by the threatened species Araucaria angustifolia. However, such an approach can miss significant biodiversity by ignoring smaller forest fragments scattered throughout the landscape, many of which exist on small farms. Here, I evaluate the method used to define a set of natural reserves in Southern Brazil to assess if it captures and preserves the significant biodiversity that exists in this unique biome.

Dismantling Comprehensive Forest Bureaucracies: Direct Access, the World Bank, Agricultural Interests, and Neoliberal Administrative Reform of Forest Policy in Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

By the end of the 1980s, Argentina was in the middle of a severe economic crisis. In 1991, the Deregulation Decree, which steered the political economy toward a new neoliberal policy, dismantled the Argentine National Forestry Institute (IFONA), an autonomous bureaucracy responsible for forests. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence the World Bank exerted on domestic forest policymaking and bureaucratic reform in Argentina. We selected the interventions of the World Bank in the Argentinian forest and agricultural policy that started in the early 1990s and still continues today.

management planning system for even-aged and uneven-aged forests in northeast China

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

The most common scientific approach to numerical landscape-level forest management planning is combinatorial optimization aimed at finding the optimal combination of the treatment alternatives of stands. The selected combination of treatments depends on the conditions of the forest, and the objectives of the forest landowners. A two-step procedure is commonly used to derive the plan. First, treatment alternatives are generated for the stands using an automated simulation tool.

Optimization of net returns from wildlife consumptive and non-consumptive uses by game reserve management

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
África do Sul
África austral

Landowners and game reserve managers are often faced with the decision whether to undertake consumptive (such as hunting) and/or non-consumptive (such as tourism) use of wildlife resources on their properties. Here a theoretical model was used to examine cases where the game reserve management allocated the amount of land devoted to hunting (trophy hunting) and tourism, based on three scenarios: (1) hunting is separated from tourism but wildlife is shared; (2) hunting and tourism co-exist; and (3) hunting and tourism are separated by a fence.

Private reserves in Brazil: Distribution patterns, logistical challenges, and conservation contributions

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Traditional strategies to stem declines in biodiversity include the establishment of public protected area networks. However, private lands are an increasingly important component of contemporary reserve networks. Despite the increasing recognition of the value of private lands for conservation little is known about these areas. Consequently, this study aimed to re-evaluate the changes in private reserves in Brazil since 2005. Brazil’s private reserve system is represented by 1182 reserves, recognized under federal law and created to protect nature in perpetuity.