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Law relative to the protection of agricultural land.

Europa Setentrional

This Act regulates the use of agricultural land for purposes of protection of the soil and the landscape. Agricultural land is land used for cultivation or pasture, which is registered for tax purposes as an agricultural unit (sect. 1). The Act does not apply to agricultural land which is not used as such (sect. 2). Regulation making powers of the Government are described in sections 6A and 6B. Observation of provisions of the present Act shall be supervised by County Councils. Use of land requires notification and in certain circumstances a permit of the County Council. (13 sections)

Executive Order on State Possession of Farm Lands.

Europa Oriental

This Order concerns the state treasury of Poland taking possession of real estate comprising of farms at the request of the owners entitled to retirement benefits or by virtue of social insurance for farmers. In the application for transfer of ownership of real estate to the state treasury, the owner should describe said real estate by specifying the location, registration number, and the surface area of the lots whose ownership is to be transferred. Applications for land transfer are submitted to the State Land Fund Agency.

Amendments to ownership and use of farmland act.

Europa Oriental

These Amendments concern the Law on the Ownership and Use of Farmland. The Law regulates the ownership and use of agricultural lands. Agricultural lands may be the property of citizens, state, townships and juridical persons. Foreign juridical persons and foreign citizens may acquire use rights to agricultural land. There are also provisions relating to owners of land incorporated into cooperative farms. The ownership right to agricultural land taken away from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, cooperatives and other organizations shall be restored upon their request.

Law on Land Resources.

Europa Oriental

This Act concerns land resources in Romania and consists of 9 Chapters; General provisions (1); Establishment of private property right to land (2); Provisions regarding state owned land (3); Legal distribution of the land (IV); Land usage for agricultural and forestry production (V); Temporary or permanent land utilization for purposes other than agricultural and forestry production (VI); Penalties (VIII) and Transitional and final provisions (IX).General provisions include definitions of agricultural and forestry land use (art. 2).

Loi limitant les fermages.

Europa Ocidental

L'article 1er de l'arrêté susvisé établit que le Roi institue une ou plusieurs commissions des fermages, composée de trois preneurs, de trois propriétaires fonciers et d'un fonctionnaire du Ministère de l'Agriculture qui assume la présidence. En outre, il nomme les membres de ces commissions et leurs suppléants. L'article 2 spécifie que pour les terres données en location, les fermages maxima autorisés correspondent à leur revenu cadastral affecté d'un coefficient.

Presidential Decree No. 2118 of 1993 on taxation of sale of the plots of land and other transactions with land.

Europa Oriental

The President, for the purpose of strengthening state control over the use and protection of land, increasing liability of citizens, officials and juridical persons for the infringement of land legislation for the period of carrying out land reform, decrees that till the promulgation of Basic land legislation citizens, officials and juridical persons are liable to administrative fines in the following cases: 1) For the infringement of urban planning documentation as regards the allotment of land, illegal actions of officials that cause unauthorized seizure of land.

Presidential Decree No. 301 of 1992 "On sale of the plots of land to citizens and juridical persons in the process of privatisation of public and municipal enterprises".

Europa Oriental

The President, for the purpose of further improvement of land relationship, privatisation of land, simplification of the procedure of land allotment to citizens, decrees that privatisation of public and municipal land must be carried out in accordance with the legislation currently in force and with this Presidential Decree. Privatisation of public and municipal land must be carried out in accordance with the legislation currently in force and with this Presidential Decree.

Law on Land Tax (No. I-714).

Europa Setentrional

Land shall be divided according to its use into land used for agricultural purposes and non-agricultural land. Land owners and land users (natural and legal persons) using land on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, which has been allotted to them by State bodies or which they possess by right of ownership, shall be liable to land taxation.

Africans on Private Estates Act (Cap. 33:01).

África Oriental

The Act requires landowners to register Africans residing on their estate for the purpose of growing any economic crop for sale or performing any agricultural work. “African” means any person who is a member of an African community indigenous to Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia or Mozambique. This Act shall not apply to any African who is in occupation of land on an estate by virtue of a valid lease or tenancy agreement for a period of not less than two years.

Loi portant introduction de la loi fédérale du 4 octobre 1985 sur le bail à ferme agricole.

Europa Ocidental

La présente loi a pour but d'assurer l'exécution, sur le territoire de la République et Canton du Jura, de la loi fédérale susvisés sur le bail à ferme agricole. L’article 2 établit que les dispositions de la loi fédérale sur le bail à ferme agricole sont applicables: a) aux immeubles affectés à l'agriculture; b) aux entreprises agricoles; c) aux entreprises accessoires non agricoles mais formant une unité économique avec une entreprise agricole.

Ley Nº 7.509 - Ley del impuesto sobre los bienes inmuebles.

Costa Rica
América Central

La presente Ley del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles, tiene por objeto establecer en favor de las municipalidades un impuesto sobre los bienes inmuebles. Son objeto de este impuesto los terrenos, las instalaciones o las construcciones fijas y permanentes que allí existan.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 7729 - Modifica la Ley Nº 7509, Ley del impuesto sobre los bienes inmuebles. (1997-12-15)

Agricultural Homestead Waiver Act (P.L. 8-009).

Marianas Setentrionais

The present Act requires the Mariana Public Land Corporation to waive prior requirements or limitations regarding agricultural homesteads for persons that can demonstrate that for a continuous period of 15 years they have actually occupied public land and used for agricultural purposes. This change in law strenghtens rights of persons that have been relocated by the Government in respect of land occupied by them. The land in question shall be transferred by the Corporation by deed to the persons that have occupied the land.