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Land Law No. 7501.

Europa meridional

The State grants land to natural or legal persons who then enjoy the right of ownership and all other accompanying rights envisaged by this Law. The sale and purchase of land is prohibited. Agricultural land is given in ownership or for use to local legal or natural persons without remuneration. Article 4 concerns land tenure by foreigners. Article 5 provides for succession of land rights by members of agricultural cooperatives.

Law on denationalization and privatization of state-owned property in the Republic of Belarus.

Europa Oriental

The objects of privatization shall be the following: state-owned and public dwellings; state-owned enterprises, institutions, organizations, structural units of associations and structural subdivisions of enterprises; state-owned property, provided into lease; portions (allotments, shares) belonging to the Republic of Belarus and to administrative and territorial units in the property of managing subjects.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 - Ley del registro de predios rurales.

América do Sul

La Ley consta de 3 títulos, 35 artículos, 4 disposiciones transitorias y 14 finales. INDICE: Registro de predios rurales (I): Disposiciones generales (1), Títulos inscribibles (2), Inscripción de la propiedad de predios rurales (3), Inscripción de la posesión de predios rurales (4), Planos necesarios para la inscripción (5); Disposiciones transitorias (II); Disposiciones finales (III).La presente Ley crea el Registro de Predios Rurales, que formará parte del Registro Predial (art. 1º).

Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 (Chapter 8).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

An Act to make provision for farm business tenancies which begin after 1 September 1995. Section 4 excludes in part the Agricultural Holding Act, 1986 to tenancies covered by the present Act. Sections 5 to 7 provide rules for the termination of tenancies. Tenancies continuing for more than two years shall afterwards continue from year to year unless terminated by notice (sect. 5). Section 8 recognizes the right of a tenant to remove buildings and fixtures.

Land Act 1979.

Ásia Meridional

This Act provides for the registration of title to land, regulates the use of certain land and related matters and gives rules with respect to landownership and land use rights.The text of the Act is divided into 13 Chapters: Registration of land in Thram (I); Validity of Thram and entitlement to land (II); Right of possession (III); Cost of land and taxation (IV); Sale/purchase and exchange of land (V); Government land and the procedure for allotment of land (VI); Water channels, embankments and roads (VII); Regarding grazing land (VIII); Matters relating to Tsatong and its allotment (IX);

Decree-Law No. 98/91 of 24 August 1991 establishing Law Courts' jurisdiction for matters relating to usufruct, lease or joint lease of rural lands, or portions of them.

Cabo Verde
África Ocidental

This Decree-Law establishes that matters concerning usufruct, lease or joint lease of rural lands, or portions of them, are under the Law Courts' jurisdiction (art. 1). This Decree-Law deals with cases in which a tenant, or usufructuary, has been evicted. It establishes defences which can be presented (with or without legal representation) to the local Law Court, according to the Civil Code (art. 2). The evicted tenant may request the temporary return of the land in compliance with arts. 393-395 of the Civil Code (art. 3).

Land Proclamation (No. 58/1994).

África Oriental

This Proclamation introduces a general land reform in Eritrea by formulating new rules respecting land tenure and land use. The text of the Proclamation consists of a Preamble and 59 articles which are divided into 5 sections: Section One defines terms such as "usufruct", "system of land tenure" and "land administrative body".The main set of rules relative to landownership and land tenure can be found in section Two. This Section (arts.

Agricultural Small Tenancies Act (Cap. 58:70.


An Act to regulate contracts of tenancy of small agricultural holdings. "Small holding" means any area of land under cultivation or pasture or intended for cultivation or pasturage, with or without buildings thereon, comprising not less that half an acre or more than ten acres in one or more parcels of land of a landlord (sect. 2). No person shall let any small holding unless a contract of tenancy has been entered into between the parties thereto. The contract shall be in writing in the form as prescribed in the First Schedule.

Decreto Nº 125 - Ley de fraccionamientos rurales.

América Central

La presente Ley sobre fraccionamiento rurales del Estado de Zacatecas establece las disposiciones que rigen: 1) los los procedimientos administrativos que se promuevan por los titulares y que se generen con motivo de la tenencia de la tierra en zonas de fraccionamientos; 2) los procedimientos sucesorios que deban tramitarse ante la Dirección de Fraccionamientos con motivo del fallecimiento del titular de un lote; 3) el mejoramiento de la explotación del terreno, atendiendo primordialmente a su vocación productiva; 4) el establecimiento de las servidumbres que deban instituirse en los predio

Decreto Nº 198 - Ley de Catastro del Estado de Zacatecas.

América Central

La presente Ley establece las normas que rigen el funcionamiento del catastro, y los procedimientos para la identificación, registro y valuación de los bienes inmuebles ubicados en el territorio del Estado, para fines fiscales, estadísticos, socioeconómicos, jurídicos e históricos; y para la formulación y práctica de planes estatales y municipales de desarrollo. La Ley contempla tanto las zonas rústicas como las zonas urbanas.

Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California.

América Central

La presente Ley establece las normas que rigen el catastro inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California, cuyo objeto consiste en: a) identificar y deslindar los bienes inmuebles, los derechos de vía y espacios públicos; b) integrar y mantener actualizada la información relativa a los registros, padrones y documentos referentes a las características cualitativas y cuantitativas de los bienes inmuebles y aspectos asociados a ellos; c) determinar los valores catastrales de los bienes inmuebles; d) integrar la cartografía catastral de los bienes inmuebles en el territorio del Estado; e) aportar l