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Map of América do Sul

América do Sul

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06 Fevereiro 2025
Temos o prazer de anunciar o 2º Simpósio Amazon 2030 - Questões de Sustentabilidade na Maior Região de Floresta Tropical do Mundo, 6 e 7 de novembro de 2025, Manaus, Brasil, a ser realizado na Universidade Nilton Lins, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, em 6 e 7 de novembro de 2025. A 30ª Conferência das…
30 Janeiro 2025
Foto: Ricky Levy/CIDH/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Com 30 vagas de nível superior e salários de até R$ 10.047, o processo seletivo chama atenção pela possibilidade de união entre carreira estável e contribuição para pautas socioambientais. Os cargos, como Analista Socioambiental e Analista em Regularização…
03 Janeiro 2025
Foto: Cheryl Strahl (CC BY-NC 2.0) Estrutura WIS 2.0. foi apresentada pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial; vantagens incluem simplificação, eficácia e custo-benefício no acesso partilhado de dados em tempo real em níveis internacional, regional e nacional.     O Brasil foi elogiado por colaborar…

América do Sul



ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
The Peruvian Amazon region is home to more than 50 indigenous peoples living in almost 2,270 communities. Around 30% of these communities – 680 – still have no collective land titles (government data 3/2020). This legal uncertainty causes disputes over land, exploitation of natural resources and growing pressure on indigenous territories as a result of infrastructure and industry projects and the influx of settlers from other parts of Peru. Over the decade until 2015, virtually no collective land titles were granted to indigenous communities. The reasons include a lack of clarity over responsibilities, inadequate capacity and budget limitations. The governing role for land titling was transferred back to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) in 2014, but regional government agencies remain in charge of the day to day implementation. Since late 2015, German development cooperation − in coordination with other international actors − has been addressing the need for standardised databases, simpler procedures for granting titles, guidelines on the involvement of indigenous peoples and communities, and dispute resolution strategies, as well as capacity development and adequate budgets.
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands


ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
The Peruvian Amazon region is home to more than 50 indigenous peoples living in almost 2,270 communities. Around 30% of these communities – 680 – still have no collective land titles (government data 3/2020). This legal uncertainty causes disputes over land, exploitation of natural resources and growing pressure on indigenous territories as a result of infrastructure and industry projects and the influx of settlers from other parts of Peru. Over the decade until 2015, virtually no collective land titles were granted to indigenous communities. The reasons include a lack of clarity over responsibilities, inadequate capacity and budget limitations. The governing role for land titling was transferred back to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) in 2014, but regional government agencies remain in charge of the day to day implementation. Since late 2015, German development cooperation − in coordination with other international actors − has been addressing the need for standardised databases, simpler procedures for granting titles, guidelines on the involvement of indigenous peoples and communities, and dispute resolution strategies, as well as capacity development and adequate budgets.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
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27 Janeiro 2025
Foto: Thiago Trajano/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) O aquecimento global é um fato científico comprovado. A emergência climática faz com que o mundo debata sobre a necessidade de um novo acordo para mitigar e adaptar suas consequências. Porém, os efeitos das mudanças climáticas não são iguais para todos.…
A Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro tem a satisfação de convidar à comunidade a participar do 8º Simpósio de Gestão Ambiental e Biodiversidade (SIGABI), a realizar-se de 07 a 09 de maio de 2019, no Instituto Três Rios, na cidade de Três Rios, Rio de Janeiro.   O SIGABI é voltado para…