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Displaying 37 - 48 of 1450

The rise of aquaculture: The role of fish in global food security

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2015

Appetite for fish continues to expand around the globe, despite the stagnant levels of capture fish production. What is the role that aquaculture can play in supplying the world with adequate animal protein? What lessons can be drawn from dynamic Asian aquaculture producers that might guide emerging fish farmers in Africa and elsewhere?

Mitigating risk: Social protection and the rural poor

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2015

People in developing countries—particularly the agricultural poor—face a host of risks to their lives and livelihoods, including those stemming from globalization, climate change, and weather shocks. These experiences highlight the importance of social protection, which can have a potentially significant impact on reducing poverty and vulnerability when implemented with the optimal design, targets, and resources.

2014-2015 Global food policy report

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2015
África occidental
África oriental
África austral
Asia meridional
África subsahariana
Asia central
América del Sur

This 2014–2015 Global Food Policy Report is the fourth in an annual series that provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this report, distinguished researchers, policymakers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy in 2014 at the global, regional, and national levels, and—supported by the latest knowledge and research—explain why. This year’s report is the first to also look forward a year, offering analysis of the potential opportunities and challenges that we will face in achieving food and nutrition security in 2015.

2012 Politiques alimentaires mondiales rapport: Aperçu

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2013
Asia meridional
Asia oriental
África subsahariana
América del Sur
América Septentrional
Estados Unidos de América

This 2012 Global Food Policy Report is the second in an annual series that provides an in-depth look at major food policy developments and events. Initiated in response to resurgent interest in food security, the series offers a yearly overview of the food policy developments that have contributed to or hindered progress in food and nutrition security. It reviews what happened in food policy and why, examines key challenges and opportunities, shares new evidence and knowledge, and highlights emerging issues.

2012 Global food policy report: Overview

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2013
Asia meridional
Asia oriental
África subsahariana
América del Sur
América Septentrional
Estados Unidos de América

This 2012 Global Food Policy Report is the second in an annual series that provides an in-depth look at major food policy developments and events. Initiated in response to resurgent interest in food security, the series offers a yearly overview of the food policy developments that have contributed to or hindered progress in food and nutrition security. It reviews what happened in food policy and why, examines key challenges and opportunities, shares new evidence and knowledge, and highlights emerging issues.

Territorio Común: Garantizar los derechos a la tierra y proteger el planeta

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2016

Las vidas de cerca de 2.500 millones de personas dependen de tierras indígenas y comunitarias, que suponen más del 50% de la tierra del planeta; sin embargo, legalmente sólo son dueñas de una quinta parte. Los 5.000 millones de hectáreas restantes están desprotegidos y son vulnerables al acaparamiento por parte de entidades más poderosas como Gobiernos y empresas.

Síntesis Final del FMAT 2016


El Foro Mundial sobre el Acceso a la Tierra y los Recursos Naturales (FMAT 2016) se ha desarrollado en Valencia, España, del 31 de marzo al 2 de abril, con el apoyo de más
de 1200 organizaciones campesinas y de la sociedad civil, instituciones nacionales, internacionales, expertos y profesionales de más de 70 países. Ha reunido a más de 400
personas, venidas de todos los continentes, que han compartido libremente su testimonio en los distintos debates establecidos.

Resources, rights and cooperation a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre, 2010
Viet Nam
Brunei Darussalam
Isla de Navidad
Islas Cocos (Keeling)

This first CAPRi sourcebook is a fitting commemoration of the 15th anniversary of CAPRi. Unique among other training materials, it is based directly on the experiences and lessons of research on CAPRi core themes from around the world. The presentation is simple and straightforward, but it is based on sound underlying research.

Turning Land into Capital, Turning People into Labour: Primitive Accumulation and the Arrival of Large-Scale Economic Land Concessions in the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

In recent years the government of Laos has provided many foreign investors with large-scale economic land concessions to develop plantations. These concessions have resulted in significant alterations of landscapes and ecological processes, greatly reduced local access to resources through enclosing common areas, and have ultimately led to massive changes in the livelihoods of large numbers of mainly indigenous peoples living near these concessions.

The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2009

This book, essentially an “anarchist history,” is the first-ever examination of the huge literature on state-making whose author evaluates why people would deliberately and reactively remain stateless. Among the strategies employed by the people of Zomia to remain stateless are physical dispersion in rugged terrain; agricultural practices that enhance mobility; pliable ethnic identities; devotion to prophetic, millenarian leaders; and maintenance of a largely oral culture that allows them to reinvent their histories and genealogies as they move between and around states.

Unusual partnerships: Lessons for landscapes and livelihoods from the Doe Mae Salong landscape, Thailand

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2012

This paper describes the interventions undertaken in the Doe Mao Salong watershed in an effort to restore the landscape and improve the livelihoods of local communities. Interventions included forming multi-stakeholder platforms to facilitate dialogue and to ensure participatory land-use planning; the creation of tree nurseries for forest rehabilitation; identifying products for sale in local markets; and a focus on action learning. Land-tenure arrangements proved key to these interventions. The report describes the impacts.