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Land Portal Program
Arrêté n° 7903/2013 du 9 avril 2013
"Arrêté nº 7 903/2013 du 09 avril 2013" is a document that lays out the standard statuses of groups of small-scale mining operators and gold panner groups in Madagascar. The document stipulates that these groups are to be comprised of voluntary individuals engaged in small-scale mining and gold panning activities within the same commune. These groups must have a deliberative body, an executive body, and financial management rules. The document also outlines the procedure for declaring the existence of such groups, which includes submitting a declaration of existence, a constitution record, and approved statutes to the commune office. The document further explains the process after the declaration is submitted. The commune office is responsible for reviewing the submitted documents, seeking the opinion of the District Chief regarding compliance with current laws, particularly the Mining Code, verifying the identity of the leaders, and considering public order protection. The review process should not exceed five working days from the date of receipt of the declaration. Once approved, the Mayor issues a receipt of the constitution declaration to the group and notifies the Interregional Director in charge of Mines about the group's establishment. Any changes in the group's leadership or statutes must be immediately declared to the commune.
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