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ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years we have been growing and expanding to where we are today - helping over 13 million of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people in 42 countries worldwide.

Institute of Economic Affairs, Kenya

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA Kenya) is a think-tank that provides a platform for informed discussions in order to influence public policy in Kenya. We seek to promote pluralism of ideas through open, active and informed debate on public policy issues. We undertake research and conduct public education on key economic and topical issues in public affairs in Kenya and the region, and utilize the outcomes of the research for policy dialogue and to influence policy making.  


Development Experience Clearinghouse, USAID

USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC), the largest online resource for USAID-funded technical and project materials, makes nearly 200,000 items available for review or download, and continuously grows with more than 1000 items added each month. 

The DEC holds USAID's institutional memory, spanning over 50 years; including documents, images, video and audio materials. The DEC collects research reports, evaluations and assessments, contract information, tutorials, policy and planning documents, activity information sheets, and training materials.

Global Movement

The Global Movement is an enlightening advocacy organization, which conducts community based activism and awareness actions through a network of Global/Regional chapters, project teams, annual events, media and charity work.

International Development Research Centre


About IDRC

A Crown corporation, we support leading thinkers who advance knowledge and solve practical development problems. We provide the resources, advice, and training they need to implement and share their solutions with those who need them most. In short, IDRC increases opportunities—and makes a real difference in people’s lives.

Chatham House

Founded in 1920, Chatham House engages governments, the private sector, civil society and its members in open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs. Each year, the institute runs more than 300 private and public events – conferences, workshops and roundtables – in London and internationally with partners. Our convening power attracts world leaders and the best analysts in their respective fields from across the globe.

Independent and Trusted Analysis

Make Every Woman Count


Make Every Woman Count (MEWC) is an African woman-led organisation which serves as a mobilizing, networking, information, advocacy and training platform for African women by building their leadership capacities to influence policy and decision making.

Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum


The Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (CPPF) was established in October 2000 to strengthen the knowledge base and analytical capacity of the United Nations in conflict prevention and management, peacemaking, and peacebuilding. We support UN policymaking and operations by providing UN decision-makers rapid access to leading scholars, experts, and practitioners outside the UN system through informal consultations, off the record briefings, and commissioned research.


CooperAcción es una organización no gubernamental peruana que nace en julio de 1997, al final de una década en la que se operaron cambios significativos en nuestro país. La implementación de un proceso de reforma estructural implicó la puesta en marcha de un nuevo marco económico, jurídico e institucional, que modificó el funcionamiento precedente de nuestra economía, el rol del Estado, de los agentes económicos y del conjunto de actores sociales. Estos hechos influyeron de manera decisiva en nuestro plan de trabajo fundacional.

National Land Rights Forum - Nepal


NLRF is a national people’s organization uniting those who are deprived of their land rights – bonded laborers, tenants, the landless, farmers, haruwa, charuwa and trust land farmers – and inciting them to action. Since its establishment in 2004, NLRF has been working towards its vision of a society where all tenants and landless farmers live dignified lives. NLRF operates in 50 of Nepal’s 75 districts, comprising 42 district-level and 2,072 village-level people’s organizations.

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