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IssueswomenLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1549 - 1560 of 2163

The political economy of agricultural growth corridors in eastern Africa

February, 2019

Growing commercial interests;population growth and conservation initiatives are increasing competition for land in Tanzania. At the same time;land-related conflicts are on the rise. These trends undermine livelihoods by threatening rural people’s access to land and tenure security. Women tend to be disproportionately affected as available land diminishes;disadvantaged by weak land rights and limited participation in decision-making processes.

How satellites can locate potential land grabs in Africa

April, 2019

Since the arrival of multinational agribusiness company SOCFIN in 2011 as part of a large-scale investment in palm oil in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone;social conflict has raged in the Malen Chiefdom. SOCFIN is controlled by a Belgian businessman (Hubert Fabri) and the French group Bolloré;which has developed a business empire in many parts of Africa. This report found that affected communities who have lost access to and control over their land have been exposed to serious human rights violations and abuses since 2011.

Negotiating and implementing large scale land deals in Sierra Leone. Improving transparency and consent

July, 2018

Research in Sierra Leone reveals that the role of Paramount Chiefs and MPs in approaching communities for negotiations compromised Free;Prior and Informed Consent. Companies and local authority figures used vague references to ‘developmentto convince landowners to sign. There are a number of investments that could be classed as ‘speculativewhile customary decision-making regarding the agreement to lease land excluded women;junior men;and members of non-land-owning families. Concludes with policy recommendations.

A stronger voice for women in local land governance: effective approaches in Tanzania;Ghana and Senegal

July, 2019

This report;based on primary and secondary data;highlights the link between land and inequality in Uganda.  It underscores the need to review policies;laws and regulations governing institutions and practices in the realm of land ownership;access;use and management;and to allocate enough resources to secure land rights. The report looks at factors that have had an impact on poverty and vulnerability;and how policies;laws;regulations and cultural practices can be made more inclusive.

Legal Empowerment of the Poor through Property Rights Reform: Tensions and Trade-offs of Land Registration and Titling in Sub-Saharan Africa

December, 2018

In many rural areas across sub-Saharan Africa lack of tenure security for women has been exacerbated by rising commercial pressure on land;further aggravated by climate change;urbanisation and population growth. As a result;rural livelihoods are being undermined;with potentially dire consequences for communitieseconomic development and food security. Since 2016 IIED has been working with partners in Ghana;Senegal and Tanzania to engage with rural communities.

Farmers engaging in Large Scale Land Based Investment (LSLBI processes in northern Uganda

January, 2019

The certificate of customary ownership (CCO) is a land tenure reform implemented in customary tenure areas of Uganda;including Nwoya district in the north. Proponents of CCOs contend that they enhance tenure security for women and men;while critics argue that they fall short of expectations;disenfranchise;and at times extinguish rights to land. The objective of this analysis is to assess changes in tenure security that are attributable to CCOs by focusing on the completeness of the bundle of rights using the Conceptual Framework on Women’s Land Tenure Security.

Communities in Africa fight back against the land grab for palm oil

August, 2019

This research investigates threats to women’s land rights and explores the effectiveness of land certification interventions using evidence from the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) program in Ethiopia. The research aims to provide evidence on the extent that LIFT contributed to women’s tenure security. Quantitative information was analyzed from the profiles of more than seven million parcels to understand how the program had incorporated gender interests into the Second Level Land Certification (SLLC) process.

Land Grabbing for Palm Oil in Sierra Leone: Analysis of the SOCFIN Case from a Human Rights Perspective

January, 2019
Sierra Leone

A 16 minute documentary film developed by ESAFF Uganda detailing how small-scale farming communities in northern Uganda are using LSLBI tools to raise the awareness;especially of women;to engage with local leaders;produce resource maps;including scoping;negotiating;monitoring and implementation. The training also used drama. The aim is to empower farmers who engage with investors.

South Africa’s land report: Zimbabwe lessons?

August, 2019

An analysis of the July South African report on land and agriculture which documents the sorry tale of land reform since 1994. Says action on land reform is long overdue. Makes sensible recommendations on expropriation. Suggests a policy shift towards equity as a goal of land reform and a shift towards redistribution. Makes the case for substantial (at least half) allocations to women and a focus on urban/peri-urban land. Adding to redistribution;restitution and land tenure reform;it suggests a fourth pillar – land administration.