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IssueswomenLandLibrary Resource
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A great step forward for land rights in Namibia: 988 land holder titles issued in Freedom Square;Gobabis

February, 2021

Despite Tanzania’s progressive legal framework on land rights and governance;many women are often left out of community decision-making due to social and cultural norms that persist in some areas of the country. The author discusses a participatory initiative that is helping women make their voices heard when it comes to land governance.

Beyond Title: How to Secure Land Tenure for Women

February, 2020

Introduces a new IIED blog series looking at principles to strengthen women’s land rights. Over the past 15 years pressures on land across sub-Saharan Africa have increased and these have tended to affect women more severely as they have little control over the land they traditionally use. Awareness of the importance of women’s land rights is higher than ever and global commitments to women’s land rights have never been stronger;yet there is no consensus on which strategies most effectively strengthen women’s land rights in practice.

Agricultural Commercialisation in Northern Zimbabwe: Crises;Conjunctures and Contingencies;1890-2020

May, 2020

This document presents results from the 8 April 2020 on-line conference on the impact of COVID-19 on small-scale farming;food security and sovereignty in the East African Community. There were 53 participants from 16 countries. The conference strongly acknowledged the contribution of small-scale farmers towards feeding the population during the time of COVID-19. Governments have tightened borders and restricted gatherings;but small-scale farmers often operate in groups. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty and most are staying away from their gardens in the planting season.

Resistance against industrial oil palm plantations in West and Central Africa

February, 2021

The Key Messages on Sustaining Peace through Women’s Empowerment and Increased Access to Land and Property Rights in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts were intended to provide a reference on how to empower women and protect their housing;land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts;and to set out why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability. The publication includes a list of resources to further inform the development of related programmes and projects.

DRC. Using Drones to Improve Land Tenure and Empower Women

August, 2020

It is likely that rural women will disproportionately bear the socio-economic hardships from COVID-19. Restrictions on the movement of people and goods are disrupting agricultural value chains and food systems. Women have weaker land tenure security and less access to productive resources than men. As markets close and cross-border trade declines;women suffer from not being able to sell their produce;and from lacking access to inputs needed for the next planting season. Lockdowns result in increased domestic and care work for women.

Villagers in Zimbabwe face loss of land;livelihoods

February, 2021

Land is a commodity like no other. We live on it;we grow from it;we drink from it and build our futures upon it. But we don’t share it equally. The distribution of land has long defined the gap between rich and poor. Now new data shows clearer than ever how the way in which land is being shared and managed profoundly impacts extreme and rising inequality and the achievement of women’s and girlsrights. With the largest 1 percent of farms operating more than 70 percent of the world’s farmland;it is time that we called out the problem of extreme land inequality and committed to ending it.

Rural Women Must Be at the Heart of COVID-19 Response and Recovery

August, 2020

A nine-minute video. Most rural people in Uganda have rights to their rural land through customary tenure arrangements;representing 75-80% of land holdings: but only 15-20% of the land is formally registered. Often women;especially widows;experience land grabbing;arbitrary eviction and poor access to justice. GLTN and others are working to help vulnerable smallholder farmers in South Western and Elgon regions through the implementation of a ‘Securing Land Tenure for Improved Food Security in select areas in Ugandaproject. The video illustrates some of this work.

What are the Effects of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa on Selected Economic and Social Indicators?

March, 2021

Explores what the Prindex 2020 dataset tells us about land rights in sub-Saharan Africa. One in four people in Africa live with the fear of being evicted day-to-day: one of the highest rates in the world. Across 34 countries surveyed in sub-Saharan Africa;a staggering 121 million people said they felt insecure. Compared to other regions of the world;people in sub-Saharan Africa place far less weight on legal documentation when considering how secure they feel in their rights.

Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies. Research Findings from the Land Inequality Initiative

October, 2020

The author has now run this site as an absolute dictator for 20 years;first in Oxfam space (2000-12) and since 2012 in Mokoro space. The article covers the origins of the site;the various motivations and the important role of changing technologies. The site is essentially a place to disseminate arguments in favour of pro-poor land reform and against simple solutions to complex issues. After the 2008 global financial crisis it included work on the impact of the global land grab on Africa.

Traditional leaders in Zambia shift gender norms and strengthen women’s land rights

June, 2021

For many decades communities in West and Central Africa have been facing industrial oil palm plantations encroaching onto their community land. With the false promise of bringing ‘developmentand jobs;corporations;backed up by the support of the governments;have been granted millions of hectares of land under concessions for industrial oil palm plantations. The results of this expansion have been disastrous for communities living in and around these industrial plantations and in particular for women.