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IssueswomenLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1849 - 1860 of 2163

Women’s involvement in coffee agroforestry value-chains: Financial training, Village Savings and Loans Associations, and Decision power in Northwest Vietnam

December, 2020

Globally, in the coffee sector and smallholder agriculture in developing countries, there is a distinct gender gap in key factors that enable women’s active participation in and contribution to the coffee value chain and in farm and domestic decisions, such as decisions over credit, agricultural inputs, and training opportunities and division of labor and time. This study assesses Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) impacts and related training on gender equality and women’s access to coffee markets in an ongoing coffee- project in northwest Vietnam.

Gender roles in sourcing and sharing of banana planting material in communities with and without banana bunchy top disease in Nigeria

December, 2020

Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) is the most devastating disease of banana and plantain (Musa spp.). The disease spreads through the use of infected vegetative propagules and the banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa) is the virus vector. This study seeks to understand the gender dimensions and sociocultural aspects of banana seed (vegetative propagule) sourcing and sharing practices among men and women farmers, and its influence on BBTD spread and disease control efforts. Data were collected from 300 banana farmers (187 men and 113 women) in BBTD and non-BBTD areas in southwest Nigeria.

A gendered ecosystem services approach to identify novel and locally-relevant strategies for jointly improving food security, nutrition, and conservation in the Barotse Floodplain

December, 2019

Multiple lines of evidence call for the use of locally-relevant strategies to guide and support sustainable agricultural intensification while improving development and conservation outcomes. The goal of this study was to identify the ecosystem services from natural and agricultural systems to achieve this aim in the Barotse Floodplain of Zambia. Our methodology utilized a gender-sensitive ecosystem services approach, whereby local knowledge from women and men was harnessed to understand which services and their sources are important.

Status review of challenge, constraints and needs of men, women, and youth enterprises in the bean value chain in selected countries

December, 2021

Common bean is the most grown legume in sub-Saharan Africa and contributes to income and food security of smallholder farmers. The common bean value chain offers business opportunities to various actors, particularly women because of their high involvement in production and marketing. The value chain has the potential to contribute to SDGs if opportunities are harnessed through developing and supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, challenges and constraints undermine the contribution of the common bean to livelihoods and incomes of actors along the chain.

From cassava to gari: mapping of quality characteristics and end-user preferences in Cameroon and Nigeria

December, 2020

User’s preferences of cassava and cassava products along the value chain are supported by specific root quality characteristics that can be linked to root traits. Therefore, providing an evidence base of user preferred characteristics along the value chain can help in the functional choice of cassava varieties.

Inclusive participatory approaches: A facilitator’s guide

December, 2020

In community engagement and participatory processes, facilitators must make intentional efforts and adopt inclusive strategies to include marginalized and frequently overlooked groups. Yet, there is a lack of guidance on how to inclusively facilitate participatory processes. Facilitators are therefore often poorly prepared to engage with the power relations that underlie these processes, including those between the facilitator and participants and among participants themselves.

Access to land for women’s empowerment: The case of Basona Werana Woreda, North Showa, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

December, 2020

There was inequality between women and men-headed households on landholding in Amhara
region, so this study was conducted to examine access to land for women’s empowerment in
Basona Werana Woreda, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. The specific objectives
include assess the status of women’s access to land, identify factors that affect access to land of
women and analyze the role of access to land for women’s empowerment level in the study area.
In this study, multistage sampling technique was employed and samples of 150 representative

Women’s land rights in Niger. Securing women’s resource rights through gender transformative approaches

December, 2021

This series of socio-legal reviews summarizes the legal and policy documents related to women’s land tenure in seven countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Niger, Bangladesh, and Colombia. These synthesis documents, part of the IFAD Initiative on Women’s Resource Rights, are designed for researchers and policymakers seeking to improve women’s land and resource rights in these target countries. This review covers:
• A general characterization of land and resource tenure systems at national, regional, and local levels

Droits fonciers des femmes au Niger

December, 2021

This series of socio-legal reviews summarizes the legal and policy documents related to women’s land tenure in
seven countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Niger, Bangladesh, and Colombia. These synthesis
documents, part of the IFAD Initiative on Women’s Resource Rights, are designed for researchers and policymakers
seeking to improve women’s land and resource rights in these target countries. This review covers:
• A general characterization of land and resource tenure systems at national, regional, and local levels

Women's land rights in the Kyrgyz Republic

December, 2022

This series of socio-legal reviews summarizes the legal and policy documents related to women’s land tenure in seven countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Niger, Bangladesh, and Colombia. These synthesis documents, part of the IFAD Initiative on Women’s Resource Rights, are designed for researchers and policymakers seeking to improve women’s land and resource rights in these target countries. This review covers:
• A general characterization of land and resource tenure systems at national, regional, and local levels

GESI bundle: Climate-Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Economic Participation & Inclusion & Livelihood (CSA-SEPAL Project)

December, 2020

The main goal of the proposed project is to increase food and economic household security among Female Living with HIV (PLHIV), Women-led households, Gender-based Violence Survivors, and Young Women. The project proposal will empower 100 beneficiaries (10 cooperative groups of 10 members per group) in central province to engage in profitable and sustainable soya beans and groundnuts farming using good agronomic farming practices, enhanced utilization of climate information services and adoption of climate resilient seed varieties.