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IssueswomenLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2077 - 2088 of 2163

Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems

December, 2022

Nature-positive solutions (NPS) seek to address the negative effects of climate change, restore biodiversity, and sustainably manage land and water resources through strategies implemented at farm and community levels, drawing on both traditional and scientific knowledge, while ensuring that agriculture stays within planetary boundaries. Given gender differences in livelihood roles, control over resources, and influence over livelihood decisions, men and women have different needs from and preferences for nature-positive solutions.

Strengthening capacity of extension officers in gender-responsive bean research, digital extension and agribusiness in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties, Kenya

December, 2022

Although seed is an integral part of the agri-food system, it is often unavailable and unaffordable to smallholder farmers in rural areas, especially women and vulnerable groups. In addition, the poor extension system of getting seeds and information to farmers remains a drawback to adoption and increased productivity. Further, increased climate variability exposes these vulnerable groups to risks like pests and diseases. This calls for more concerted and focused strategies by researchers and development actors to mitigate these challenges through robust partnerships and training.

Navigating the Storm: Water Justice in Coastal Bangladesh

December, 2022

Bangladesh is the 7th most climate vulnerable country, and the impacts of this are largely shaped by water-related challenges in this deltaic country. The gendered dimensions of these challenges are poorly understood and addressed in technical interventions designed to mitigate and enable adaptation to climate impacts. A focus on gender (read women) is often limited to WASH interventions, or at best extends to women’s representation in irrigation water user associations.

Are wheat-based farming systems in South Asia feminizing?

December, 2022

This article pulls together the state of knowledge on the degree to which wheat-based systems in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, are feminizing. It is not yet possible to make definitive statements. However, it is clear that wheat-based systems are undergoing far-reaching changes in relation to “who does what” and “who decides.” There are some commonalities across all four countries. Intersectionalities shape women’s identities and abilities to exert their agency. Purdah is a cultural norm in many locations. Nevertheless, each country displays different meta-trends.

Participatory rangeland management: A vehicle for pastoralist women’s empowerment in Ethiopia

December, 2022

Pastoralist tenure systems are highly complex. Where customary institutions are functioning well, pastoralist women access and use resources as a member of a pastoralist group. Although policy and legislation call for more equity across societies, providing individual titles to women is not necessarily the answer. Strengthening women’s rights within the collective society while also supporting women’s capacities and abilities to participate meaningfully in decision-making processes and hold leadership positions will support more sustainable gender equality outcomes.

AICCRA CSA-Bundle two Lesson Learned Workshop Report

December, 2022

This report presents the outcome of the lessons learned workshop organized by WorldFish in partnership with the AICCRA CSA-Bundle two Accelerator partners working on integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems in Luapula and the Northern Provinces of Zambia.
The main aim of the workshop was to reflect on the experiences, successes, challenges and outcomes of the project to identify valuable insights and takeaways to inform future work.

Examining the gender digital divide: A case study from rural Nigeria

December, 2022

Rural Nigeria, with its diverse cultural and socio economic landscapes, presents unique challenges when it comes to digital inclusion. Traditional gender roles, limited educational opportunities, inadequate infrastructure, and sociocultural norms often combine to create barriers that disproportionately affect women’s access to digital technologies.

Gender gap in perspectives of the impacts of degradation and restoration on ecosystem services in Ethiopia

December, 2022

The importance of land restoration has garnered increasing attention on the global stage through large-scale initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge. However, policies and strategies are often gender-blind and designed in compliance with entrenched
social hierarchies, exacerbating pre-existing social inequalities that affect restoration initiatives. The challenge of developing gender-responsive policies and initiatives is accentuated by a persistent lack of sex-disaggregated data concerning men's and

CGIAR gender equality initiative

December, 2022

The first edition of HER Voice, the official newsletter of the CGIAR gender equality research initiative (HER+) highlights the significant strides made by HER+. Our achievements include the development of a gendered social norms index, a pioneering framework for women-led climate-smart socio-technical innovation bundles, a comprehensive review of gendered resilience through social protection design, and the unveiling of the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood System Governance Assessment Tool (WEAGov).

Building women's climate resilience: AICCRA Ghana VSLA plus intervention

December, 2022

Supporting women’s groups and their collective action is considered as one of the key ways to increase their climate resilience. Women’s groups are a means to reach women with capacity building activities, and also serve as a platform where they exercise collective and individual agency to take adaptive decisions. Strengthening the capacity of women’s groups on climate information services (CIS) and climate smart agriculture (CSA) innovations is a key pillar for gender-responsive climate smart agriculture intervention.