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There are 1, 016 content items of different types and languages related to land acquisitions on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 16

Sustainable Development Goals: a time for innovations and investment in land administration and management

10 August 2017 - 11 August 2017
Julius Nyerere Convention Centre
Dar es Salaam

The Institution of Surveyors of Tanzania (IST), The Tanzanian Institution of Valuers & Estate Surveyors (TIVEA)

in collaboration with The Commonwealth Association of Surveying & Land Economy (CASLE)

invite you to:- ‘An International Conference’

India Land And Development Conference 2018

19 February 2018 - 21 February 2018
India International Centre
New Delhi

Following up the success of the 1st India Land and Development Conference, this second Annual Conference aims to further this Land-platform to connect local and global issues and discourses and focus conversations on how technology, decentralization, innovation and capacity contribute to improve land governance in India. Over three days, this one of its kind national event on land will catalyse connections among stakeholders, discourses and ideas and promote sharing of good practices, experiences, evidences, issues and challenges. With participants converging from different geographies, sectors and land-disciplines, ILDC2018 will provide a fertile ground to stimulate dialogues, partnerships and networks around land and development in India.

New Perspectives on Acquisitive Prescription

10 May 2018 - 11 May 2018
Het Kasteel
Melkweg 1

Dr Björn Hoops (Groningen) and Dr Ernst Marais (Johannesburg) are organising an international conference, entitled “New perspectives on acquisitive prescription”. The University of Groningen, in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg, will host the event at Het Kasteel, Melkweg 1, in Groningen, The Netherlands, from 10-11 May 2018

University of Groningen

LANDac Conference 2018

28 June 2018 - 29 June 2018

LANDac’s Annual International Conference 2018 will look at land investments through the lens of mobility. What are the implications of land based investments on the movements of people? And how have displacement and population movements contributed to new and contesting land claims?


LANDac Summer School 2018 - Land Governance for Development

02 July 2018 - 13 July 2018
University of Utrecht

Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis (2003-08), and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase. This course provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the ‘land rush’ within the more general context of land governance in Africa, Asia and Latin America: the history and drivers, the diversity of stakeholders and networks involved, the urgency of current challenges, and innovative governance solutions.

Utrecht University

Greening Governance Seminar Series: Reducing Land Rights Inequity between Communities and Companies

12 September 2018
James A. Harmon Conference Center
10 G Street NE, Suite 800
United States

This event focuses on the challenges Indigenous Peoples and communities face in acquiring legal rights to their land, the loopholes companies can often take, and ways countries can simplify complex procedures.

Indigenous Peoples and rural communities occupy more than half of the world’s land, but they legally own just 10 percent of land globally.

World Resources Institute

Responsible land investment for sustainable food systems

17 October 2019
Red Room

Taking stock of lessons from pilots, partnerships and multi-stakeholder platforms with governments, CSOs and business to implement the VGGT.

This event highlighted the importance of equitable governance of land and natural resource tenure for sustainable investment in agriculture and natural resources and the key lessons from recent initiatives to develop and pilot tools and practical

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
International agri-food network
International Land Coalition

LANDac Annual Summer School

06 July 2020 - 17 July 2020
United States
Land Governance for Development - Special Online Edition!

Every summer, LANDac organises the 'Land Governance for Development' Summer School in Utrecht, the Netherlands.