Land Law and Islam
This book is a cross-cultural endeavour to promote global strategies for enhancing security of tenure in the Muslim world. It addresses the gap in both the human rights and Islamic literature on land and property issues.
This book is a cross-cultural endeavour to promote global strategies for enhancing security of tenure in the Muslim world. It addresses the gap in both the human rights and Islamic literature on land and property issues.
Indigenous peoples and other local communities (IPLCs) are essential for forests, climate, biodiversity, public health and a host of other local and global ecosystem services. Securing IPLC land rights, helping protect their lands from external threats and supporting their forest management efforts would allow IPLCs to contribute even more to these public goods. Evidence on IPLC forest management has been accumulating steadily over the last decade since this matter gained attention in the climate change policy circles.
L’un des problèmes cruciaux auxquels font face les peuples africains est celui de la gestion des terres fertiles. C’est le cas du peuple akposso. Dès les origines, ce peuple avait établi sa tradition dans le domaine foncier et n’était pas prêt à partager ses terres avec autrui. Mais pendant la colonisation, l’Allemagne et la France ont eu leurs propres codes fonciers. De même, en 1974, l’Etat togolais a entrepris une réforme agro pastorale. L’étude de cette évolution du droit foncier montre des différences entre le droit foncier coutumier akposso et le droit foncier moderne.
How to acquire a Certificate of Customary Ownership (CCO) (2022)
How to carry out a subdivision on Mailo Land (2022)
Commodity-driven deforestation and forest conservation efforts in the Mekong region have placed multiple pressures on community-based resource systems, undermining tenure security and livelihoods. In response, several initiatives have been mobilized by states, communities, and civil society organizations which aim to recognize and formalize customary forest tenure rights.
A review of literature on communal land in the Lao PDR, commissioned by Department of Agricultural Land Administration, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR.
The history of land rights in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), hereafter referred to as Laos, is a history of customary land tenure systems which remain the most prevalent form of land tenure. As social systems, land tenure systems in Laos have been affected by and have adapted to external forces such as neighboring kingdoms, colonialization, geopolitics and war, migration, and global economic trends. Ongoing rapid changes in national socioeconomic conditions and domestic political goals continue to alter the customary tenure landscape.
Cet article situe les débats actuels autour de l’accès genré aux terres collectives au Maroc par rapport à une discussion plus large sur l’héritage colonial et la fabrique du droit coutumier. La construction coloniale de la ‘collectivité ethnique’ et l’institutionnalisation du ‘droit coutumier’ ont préservé la coutume comme catégorie juridique mais elles ont rigidifié son application en l’inscrivant dans le cadre plus général du droit positif.
ABSTRACT African culture and tradition on matrilineal land ownership are on the verge of disappearing. Land ownership in rural communities remains an important cultural dimension to secure livelihoods, economic growth, and sustainable development. Gender relations continue to interfere culture and tradition of matrilineal communities. Migration has changed the community and influenced the land ownership transformation from women to men.
Context and background:Land is a source of wealth in terms of the economic and socio-cultural value it represents. Land resources are the basis of any economic activity or development project, which is why they are at the centre of multiple covetousness. However, social exclusion leads to numerous land conflicts observed in Cameroon.Goal and objectives:This study therefore aims to show how social exclusion can cause and sustain land disputes in Cameroon.