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Displaying 541 - 552 of 618

Forced relocation in Burma’s former capital

Reports & Research
April, 2008

The population of Yangon has experienced coercive
resettlement on a truly massive scale under military rule..."With its ‘huts to
apartments’ scheme, the SPDC claims
to have placed many squatters in
new multi-storey housing on the site
of or near their former dwellings.
However, forced relocation in Yangon,
Mandalay and other cities in central
Burma continues today; victims of
fires, for example, are not allowed
to rebuild their old neighbourhoods
and residential areas are cleared to

Dead Set on Helping

Reports & Research
November, 2003

Burma’s poverty means that even providing funerals for loved ones can be difficult if not impossible. But a new social welfare association is lending a helping hand...


Reports & Research
October, 1990

The oft-cited UN Habitat report on the 1989-1990 urban resettlement programme in Burma which the report estimates affected 1.5 million people (16 percent of the urban population). "...During the early months of 1990 international attention was focused on the Yangon squatter clearance and resettlement programme launched by the Government in 1989. The Mission found that the programme is not limited to Yangon, but has broad national coverage.


Reports & Research

This compendium focuses on recent articles related to the development of industrial estates in the major urban centres of Myanmar. Although the clustering of traditional craft industries was common in towns and cities throughout Burma in the colonial era, it was not until the 1950s that modern industrial complexes such as those in the Pyay district of central Burma and in several parts of Rangoon began to take shape.

Interviews in Satellite Villages

Reports & Research
July, 1990

from Dawn, Vol. 2 No. 13, July 1990...
"Recently, a report, with, photos was received from friends inside Burma. The report contains interviews with people who were recently relocated, under duress, to areas around Rangoon called "New Towns". Few such reports have been received, so DAWN wishes to give extra space in this issue to this reality of life in Burma

SDG 11 Synthesis Report

Reports & Research
June, 2018

The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Goal11, one of the 17 SDGs, is about all of these dimensions, with a specific focus on urban areas and settings. This synthesis report is the first publication showing the progress, challenges and opportunities of global monitoring of this Sustainable Development Goal.

Análise do manejo das águas pluviais no município de São Carlos : estudo da bacia do córrego Santa Maria do Leme

Reports & Research

A major challenge of Brazilian municipalities is to harmonize urban growth with the provision of public service. São Carlos, a municipality in the State of São Paulo also tries to solve this issue. The lack of urban planning coupled with the absence of occupation control measures promotes the soil sealing, which is responsible for the flooding in the valley bottoms. Considering this scenario, the object of study of this dissertation is the creek watershed Santa Maria do Leme. This watershed, even undeveloped, suffers with the occurrence of flooding in the region of its mouth.

Migración, fronteras y desplazamientos en la ciudad. Dinámicas de la alteridad urbana en Buenos Aires

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2016

A partir del análisis de la experiencia urbana de migrantes bolivianos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el artículo problematiza los modos habituales de pensar las relaciones entre territorio, diferencia y desigualdad: el gueto racial y la periferia pobre. En el artículo se resalta la imposibilidad de comprender estos procesos en clave unidimensional, enfatizando la relevancia de las intersecciones de clase, nacionalidad, género y "raza" en la estructuración y uso del espacio urbano.

Ruralidad en contextos metropolitanos, un desafío en procesos de planeación, ordenamiento territorial y gestión

Journal Articles & Books

La planificación, el ordenamiento territorial y la gestión de la ruralidad requieren una aproximación y consenso en torno a la noción de lo rural en contextos metropolitanos, sistémicamente interdependiente al fenómeno de urbanización, dinámica poblacional, modelo económico y de ocupación de la región, a fin de develar las nuevas funciones o roles estratégicos que cumple dicho espacio en el desarrollo, desde la perspectiva culturalista de sostenibilidad, recuperación y mejora de la conectividad ecosistémica, hasta el surgimiento social y económico de diversificación de la actividad producti

Desplazamiento forzado y condiciones de vida de las comunidades de destino: el caso de Pasto, Nariño

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2010

El conflicto armado en Colombia ha dejado más de 3,3 millones de personas desplazadas que buscan refugio en las ciudades. Los estudios sobre desplazamiento en el país valoran las pérdidas ocasionadas a las víctimas, pero poco analizan sus efectos sobre las condiciones de vida de las comunidades de destino. Este estudio valora los efectos del desplazamiento sobre la población residente en zonas de estrato 1 y 2 de la ciudad de Pasto, Nariño, con técnicas de evaluación de impacto.