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Displaying 61 - 72 of 618

Urban Agriculture : Findings from Four City Case Studies

November, 2013

Urban agriculture contributes to local
economic development, poverty alleviation, the social
inclusion of the urban poor and women, as well as to the
greening of the city and the productive reuse of urban
wastes. Urban agriculture encompasses a wide variety of
production systems in both urban as well as peri-urban
areas. This study examines the contribution of urban
agriculture to livelihoods, food security, health, and the

A Dynamic Spatial Model of Rural-Urban Transformation with Public Goods

October, 2014

This paper develops a dynamic model that
explains the pattern of population and production allocation
in an economy with an urban location and a rural one.
Agglomeration economies make urban dwellers benefit from a
larger population living in the city and urban firms become
more productive when they operate in locations with a larger
labor force. However, congestion costs associated with a too
large population size limit the process of urban-rural

Harnessing Urbanization to End Poverty and Boost Prosperity in Africa

January, 2014

Urbanization is the single most
important transformation that the African continent will
undergo this century. More than half of Africa's
population will live in its cities by 2040. In the face of
rapid urbanization, there is a narrow window of opportunity
to harness the potential of cities as engines of economic
growth, and use this as a powerful leverage to achieve
sustainable development and poverty reduction. Despite its

The Urban Imperative : Toward Shared Prosperity

April, 2014

Urbanization is undoubtedly a key driver
of development - cities provide the national platform for
prosperity, job creation, and poverty reduction. But
urbanization also poses enormous challenges that one is
familiar with: congestion, air pollution, social divisions,
crime, the breakdown of public services and infrastructure,
and the slums that one billion urban resident's call
home. Urbanization is perhaps the single most important

Growing through Cities in Developing Countries

April, 2014

This paper examines the effects of
urbanization on development and growth. It begins with a
labor market perspective and emphasizes the importance of
agglomeration economies, both static and dynamic. It then
argues that more productive jobs in cities do not exist in a
void and underscores the importance of job and firm
dynamics. In turn, these dynamics are shaped by the broader
characteristics of urban systems. A number of conclusions

Women's Empowerment and Socio-Economic Outcomes : Impacts of the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program

May, 2014

The paper explores whether one of the
largest programs in the world for women's empowerment
and rural livelihoods, the Indira Kranti Patham in Andhra
Pradesh, India, has had an impact on the economic and social
wellbeing of households that participate in the program. The
analysis usespanel data for 4,250 households from two rounds
of a survey conducted in 2004 and 2008 in five districts.
Propensity score matching was used to construct control

Urbanization and the Geography of Development

April, 2014

This paper focuses on several
interrelated key questions on the geography of development.
Although we herald cities with their industrial bases as
'engines of growth,' does industrialization in
fact drive urbanization?1 What economic activities do cities
of different sizes undertake? Does this change as countries
develop? If so, what are the policy implications? Do
development policies have a big-city bias? If so, what does

Is Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa Different?

September, 2013

In the past dozen years, a literature
has developed arguing that urbanization has unfolded
differently in post-independence Sub-Saharan Africa than in
the rest of the developing world, with implications for
African economic growth overall. While African countries are
more urbanized than other countries at comparable levels of
income, it is well-recognized that total and sector gross
domestic product data are of very low quality, especially in

Good Jobs in Turkey

August, 2015

This joint study, by the World Bank and
the Turkish Ministry of Development, explores the status and
effects of good jobs in Turkey s current economy. After a
brief account of economic events, it examines the
relationship between growth and employment in Turkey, with a
particular regard to the participation of different social
groups in the labor market, such as women and youth. It then
analyzes where jobs are being created and which activities

Well-being from Work in the Pacific Island Countries

June, 2014

In the Pacific island countries, which
are small and far from world markets, labor mobility
represents the most significant and substantial opportunity
for overcoming geographic constraints on employment. This
report presents a brief overview of employment challenges in
small Pacific island countries and recommendations for
addressing them. The report contributes to an ongoing World
Bank analytical program examining the linkages between

Housing and Urbanization in Africa : Unleashing a Formal Market Process

April, 2014

The accumulation of decent housing
matters both because of the difference it makes to living
standards and because of its centrality to economic
development. The consequences for living standards are
far-reaching. In addition to directly conferring utility,
decent housing improves health and enables children to do
homework. It frees up women's time and enables them to
participate in the labor market. More subtly, a home and its

Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and the Urban Poor : Cities Building Resilience for a Changing World

Reports & Research
March, 2012

Poor people living in slums are at
particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change
and natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable land
within cities, typically areas deemed undesirable by others
and thus affordable. This study analyzes the key challenges
facing the urban poor, given the risks associated with
climate change and disasters, particularly with regard to
the delivery of basic services, and identifies strategies