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Tanzania - Public Expenditure Review (Vol. 2 of 2) : Consolidating the Medium Term Expenditure Framework

August, 2013

This Public Expenditure Review (PER) for
FY00, provided support to the Government of Tanzania in the
preparation of its budget, and Medium Term Expenditure
Framework (MTEF), and performed as well an external
evaluation of the country's budget performance. The
report contains two volumes, the Main Report (v. I) first
describes the main features of the PER process, to then
present the main findings emerging from a review of fiscal

Moldova Poverty Update

August, 2014

Moldovan GDP growth rose and the poverty
rate fell steeply following the end of the Russian financial
crisis in 1999. Since late 2002, GDP has continued to grow
vigorously, however there has been little progress in
reducing poverty. In short, GDP growth is no longer reducing
poverty. The national poverty rate is broadly stable while
the rural poverty rate is on a modest upward trend. Analysis
of data from the household budget surveys shows that the

Cities on the Move : A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review

August, 2013

The report's objectives are i) to
better understand the nature and magnitude of urban
transport problems, particularly in respect of the poor, and
ii) to articulate a strategy by which the World Bank and
other agencies can assist national and city governments to
address these problems. The first part of the report
considers how urban transport can be used as an instrument
of urban development and poverty reduction. Chapter 2

Sophia City Strategy

January, 2014

The purpose of the Sofia City Strategy
(SCS) is to combat poverty and provide the basis for
sustainable development of the local economy and the welfare
of city residents. SCS is driven by the need to reevaluate
the increased role of Bulgarian local authorities that
resulted from the country's transition from socialism
to a market economy. Launching a long-term strategy for
Sofia will provide the municipality with an opportunity to

Sri Lanka : Poverty Assessment

August, 2013
Sri Lanka

This Poverty Assessment report reviews
the evolution, and nature of poverty in Sri Lanka, by
examining why its significant, recent economic downturn
contrasts sharply with its considerable, economic advances
during the 1960s; why poverty fell rapidly, and to a
relatively, low level in some areas, though it remained high
in other parts of the country; and, whether the large
resources given to re-distributive programs, really helped

Quantifying Vulnerability to Poverty : A Proposed Measure, Applied to Indonesia

January, 2015

Vulnerability is an important aspect of households' experience of poverty. Many households, while not currently in poverty, recognize that they are vulnerable to events - a bad harvest, a lost job, an illness, and unexpected expense, an economic downturn - that could easily push them into poverty. Most operational measures define poverty as some function of the shortfall of current income, or consumption expenditures from a poverty line, and hence measure poverty only at a single point in time. The authors propose a simple expansion of those measures to quantify vulnerability to poverty.

Private Solutions for Infrastructure in Cambodia : A Country Framework Report

August, 2013

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in
supporting Cambodia's growth and development. Improving
access to efficient and affordable water, electricity,
transport, and telecommunications services has a major
impact on the living standards of individual households.
This Country Framework Report (CFR) is one of a series of
country reviews aimed at improving the environment for the
private sector involvement in infrastructure. This book

Energy Strategy for Rural India : Evidence from Six States

August, 2014

The fieldwork for this report consisted
of a household energy survey of households living in 180
villages in six states (Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal). The report
was initiated in response to concerns that energy strategies
for rural India were not progressing toward modern energy
use.It examines energy use, including renewable energy, to
determine if households in rural areas have access to modern

A Preliminary Desk Review of Urban Poverty in the East Asia Region : With Particular Focus on Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam,
Volume 1. Main Report

August, 2013

This study reviews the available
quantitative and qualitative information on urban poverty
issues and trends in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region,
with particular focus on Indonesia, the Philippines, and
Vietnam. The review is a desk study-which is limited to
material accessible to the Bank in Washington and draws
mainly on existing field work and other published and
unpublished papers. The empirical analysis focuses on the

Urbanization without Growth : A Not-So-Uncommon Phenomenon

February, 2015

To find out why African countries' experience with urbanization and sustained growth appeared to differ from that of other countries, the authors investigated the determinants of urbanization across countries over 40 years. Rather than studying individuals' decisions to migrate, they relied on macroeconomic data and cross-country comparisons. A central hypothesis of their study: that individuals move (with varying degrees of ease) in response to economic incentives and opportunities. If location incentives are distorted, so is growth.

Growth, Distribution, and Poverty in Africa : Messages from the 1990s

August, 2013

This book synthesizes, and elaborates on
the results of a series of country studies, completed under
the Poverty Dynamics in Africa Initiative, organized by the
Africa Region of the Bank. These studies made use of vastly
improved household survey data, which have enhanced
understanding of African poverty dynamics during the past
decade. The book examines the main factors behind observed
poverty changes in eight countries - Ethiopia, Ghana,

Household Welfare Impacts of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization

May, 2014

The authors use China's national
household surveys for rural and urban areas to measure and
explain the welfare impacts of the changes in goods and
factor prices attributed to WTO accession. Price changes are
estimated separately using a general equilibrium model to
capture both direct and indirect effects of the initial
tariff changes. The welfare impacts are first-order
approximations based on a household model incorporating