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Evaluation des problémes et politiques associés à l'environnement urbain dans les pays membres de la CEA

Reports & Research
March, 1996

L'urbanisation croissante a eu des conséquences profondes sur l’économie des pays africains et sur la vie des citadins. Le développement des grandes villes, notamment, est à l’origine d'un certain nombre de problèmes comme l'existence d'infrastructures et de services peu fiables, insuffisants et médiocres. Des études ont montré que dans des pays comme le Burkina Faso, l’Ethiopie, la Sierra Leone et la Somalie, un nombre croissant de citadins ont un accès au logement, au transport, à l’eau, a l’éducation et à des services de santé adéquats et/ou acceptables.

Questionnaire relating to the programming of infrastructure and housing- land use and space inventory for African urban centres

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 1971

The objective of this project is to obtain quantitative means to ascertain the economic magnitude of the future development effort which will be needed in order to accommodate the growth of African towns and cities as measured against Qualitative indices expressed in terms of levels of physical development.

Elements of a 5‐year LPI strategic plan and roadmap (2012‐2016)

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

The principle goal of the LPI is “to assist member states in the implementation of the AU Declaration on land Issues and challenges in Africa, in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, in order to achieve socioeconomic development, peace and security, and environmental sustainability”.To facilitate the implementation of the AU Declaration of Land Issues and Challenges in Africa through: Advocating for the inclusion of land in the development agenda, strategies and programs of African tripartite organizations, Regional Economic Communities, African Member Sta

Declaration on land issues and challenges in Africa

Reports & Research
December, 2016

The Heads of States and Government of the African Union in collaboration with UNECA and AfDB, to carry out studies on the establishment of an appropriate institutional framework that can support Member States in their efforts towards reviewing, developing and implementing land policies including mechanisms for progress tracking and reporting, as well as for the establishment of an African Fund for Land Policy.

Integrating Human Settlements Policies and Programmes into National Socio-Economic Development Planning : framework and methodologies

Reports & Research
December, 1986

Earlier (1950s - early 1970s) development planning in African countries was essentially perceived and conceived as macro-economic planning. This perception placed overriding emphasis on the projection and maximization of national economic aggregates such as the GDP, the GNP per capita income, level of employment, stability of price levels etc. as sole measures of economic development performance.

Intégration des politiques et programmes relatifs aux établissements humains à la planification du développement socio-économique national cadre et méthodes

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1987

La planification du développement dans les pays africains était au départ(années 50 - début des années 70) perdue et conçue essentiellement comme une planification macro-économique. Cette perception mettait essentiellement l'accent sur la projection et la maximisation des agrégats économiques nationaux tels que le PIB, le PNB, le revenu par habitant, le niveau de l'emploi, la stabilité des

niveaux de prix comme seuls moyens de mesurer le développement économique.

Addressing and mainstreaming land governance in the African peer review mechanism

Reports & Research
November, 2017

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a mutually agreed instrument established in 2003 by the African Union in the framework of the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). The objective of the APRM is to foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated regional and continental integration. The thematic intervention areas of the APRM are democracy and political governance; economic governance; cooperate governance, and; socioeconomic governance.

Guidelines for the development of curricula on land governance in Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2017

The Guidelines for the Development of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa support the implementation of the AU Declaration on land issues and Challenges in Africa, in particular the call for Member States to, “Build adequate human, financial, technical capacities to support land policy development and implementation”.

Draft: Land Policy Initiative Steering Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2017

Reports & Research
April, 2017

The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) Steering Committee present the progress made in implementing the decisions of the Steering Committee included the secretariat prepared documentation on the transition from LPI to ALPC, addressing- the activities to be undertaken with proposed timelines supporting the ALPC transition; The Secretariat had consulted and engaged with partners in finalizing the ALPC strategic plan to ensure coordination and mobilized resources; Little progress had been made on the (three) decisions made by the Steering Committee at different meetings in relation to the Europea